Autumn quarter vs Spring quarter

<p>I was just wondering why I, with many many other people had to "apply" to UW in the autumn and then wait to get accepted when people can just "transfer" from community colleges and stuff in the spring? I was just wondering how the system works? </p>


<p>Not sure what you mean by “just transfer” but the UW does not have a direct transfer agreement with community colleges like many other public institutions in the state of Washington. Students who transfer from community colleges and other 4-years have to go through an application process as well. The deadline for transfer applications comes after freshman applications though, so perhaps that’s what you mean by “in the spring”. It’s actually much harder to transfer to UW than to be accepted as a freshman though. If you consider the proposed steep budget cuts on higher education in the state this year, the number of spots at UW will remain the same while the number of applications to the university is projected to increase by about 20%. That means admissions will be tougher not only for freshmen but transfer students as well. Additionally, state budget cuts could possibly force community colleges to have competitive admissions because they don’t have enough room for everyone, which would mean that you can’t just get into a community college anymore with just a one page application form. These are rather bleak times for higher education, not only in Washington but across the country.</p>

<p>Thanks, PH!</p>