Availability of dorms

<p>Are freshmen guaranteed housing? Are you able to live on campus all four years?</p>

<p>Freshman are guaranteed housing, and I believe they are required to live on campus (unless you are from the area). You can live on campus for all four years.</p>

<p>Mitch_L, can I butt in and ask you what the dorms (mainly the freshman dorms) are like? Big, small, modern, old, A/C, no A/C, etc.?</p>

<p>I believe all the dorms have A/C, the freshman dorms are pretty small (Iā€™d say around 15ā€™ x 10ā€™ each?) unless you luck out and get Calhoun Courts first year which is an apartment complex. I stayed in one of the freshman dorms during orientation (Lever) and the dorms were old, not at all modern.</p>