I have seen the numbers for overall class sizes say 74% classes have less then 30 students (not exact, just an example) but can any current student give an aprx number on the average class size for 1st and 2nd year science classes (Phy, Chem, Bio and others).
You can go look at any class and see the expected enrollment here:
Just select “This school year” and pick the department & semester you want. It will list the courses, and you can drill down into each.
Thank you.
Just a tip, you can do this at most schools In this case I Googled the college name and “course catalog”. But colleges usually have two things – they have a list of courses they offer without the specifics of time/etc. (and they don’t usually offer all the courses they offer every semester), then there is the more specific website where you can look up what is offered and when – and that usually has info on what the cap size is for the class. Some colleges don’t make the actual schedule part public, but some do – so it is worth searching for.