average gpa for freshman and students at ucsd

<p>does anyone know what the average gpa for freshman students and students at ucsd overall? also what constitutes a "good gpa" by college standards?</p>

<p>they don’t keep such statistics. as for what constitutes a “good” GPA – the higher, the better. though beyond 3.7-3.8, it really doesn’t matter as much.</p>

<p>thats interesting, why dont they keep average freshman GPA statistics?</p>

<p>I guess it would be influenced by what courses one takes, but still</p>

<p>There is indeed such data. Here is the the link, its under the UCSD General Catalog under Appendix then Facts and Figures. </p>

<p>[url=<a href=“http://infopath-1.ucsd.edu/catalog/front/Apendix.html#facts]Appendix[/url”>http://infopath-1.ucsd.edu/catalog/front/Apendix.html#facts]Appendix[/url</a>]</p>

<p>UCSD Facts and Figures (as of fall 2007)</p>

<p>On-campus student enrollment</p>

<p>Undergraduate 22,048
Revelle 3,792
John Muir 4,194
Thurgood Marshall 3,725
Earl Warren 4,132
Eleanor Roosevelt 3,422
Sixth 2,783</p>

<p>Graduate 3,952
School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy
and Pharmaceutical Sciences 1,682</p>

<p>Total 27,682</p>

<p>Grade-point averages</p>

<pre><code>Freshman 2.92
Sophomore 3.00
Junior 3.00
Senior 3.05

<p>Number of undergraduates in most populous departments</p>

<pre><code>Biology 4,776
Economics 2,155
Psychology 1,288
Political Science 1,183
Chemistry 1,179
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) 1,056
Bioengineering 878
International Studies 859
Communications 783
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) 598

<p>Now I wonder if those GPA’s are median or averaged</p>

<p>I wonder if those GPAs are cumulative or for one year only. I also wonder if those GPAs are credit weighted (they likely aren’t).</p>

<p>It means if you are below about 3.0 then you are below average and you are above average if you have 3.0+</p>

<p>Usually a “good” GPA means 3.4-3.5+ at UCSD since its not the easiest school to get A’s and A+s</p>

<p>There’s still the caveat that some majors are easier than others to pull off a higher GPA: I have a very high major GPA for Psych right now, but only a 3.54 in Joint Math/Econ; and I know 3.3 is respectable for engineering, physics, and pure math majors.</p>

<p>Premed majors aren’t the easiest majors either considering everyone premed will kill for the high GPA</p>

<p>I took BILD1,2,3 and PHYS2ABC, and from ANECDOTAL evidence, the learning/grading curve for Physics was much harsher. It’s a lot harder to get a high GPA in Physics than it is for Biology courses, in my opinion. Many will disagree with me, but I feel most won’t.</p>

<p>I don’t think it is so much the difference in difficulty between the bio (i.e., premed majors) and the physics/math/eng majors that would make that figure higher than it is… I think it is far more likely the poli sci, comm and psych majors that are making that GPA high… I think most people would agree that it is easier to get high GPAs in those majors than the other majors on that “populous departments” list…</p>

<p>BILD 1,2, and 3 may have been easier because those are the lower Division classes. Alot of premeds passed out of those in the first place. I was just comparing to the upper division classes.</p>

<p>I was looking at this yesterday. Cal’s average GPA is 3.25 and UCLA is 3.22.</p>

<p>I’ve always thought those schools were just harder but I guess we just get lower grades instead to account for any academic differences.</p>



<p>Cal average GPA is from their report on inflation at private schools [HYS with their 3.5+ average GPA] and the UCLA average GPA is from their latest student profile.</p>

<p>You can find both on their websites. Sorry for not bookmarking them.</p>

<p>let’s see how long i can keep this 3.9</p>

<p>This is pretty funny… My high school GPA (WEIGHTED!) never got above 3.8.</p>

<p>Yeah. Same here. I got cruddy grades in high school and college was just a big kick in the balls to wake up and stop sucking.</p>

<p>Good luck to you guys. I envy you, SDTriton, for not ****ing up your first quarter (and year so far). My cumulative would be .3 higher if I just erased those 3 quarters from my transcript :(</p>