Average/Slightly Above Average Student Needs Help!!!

<p>So over the past few weeks I've been wrapping up all of my college applications. Today I decided that because I am eligible for a fee waiver for most of the schools I've applied to, I decided to fill out applications for Yale and Stanford. I need some opinions on where my credentials will take me! By no means am I exceptional. I'm applying to Yale, Stanford, and Brown, plus another 7 or 8 because I figure if it's free, why not? So... If anyone can tell me what they think my chances are of getting into any of the schools on my list, feel free to tell me! I also have my letters of recommendation by my choices, so those aren't an issue.</p>

<p>Schools I'm Worried/Concerned About: (Washington State Resident by the way)</p>

<p>University of Washington
Pacific Lutheran University
University of Portland
Rutgers University</p>

<p>Ivy Leagues (pretty much impossible but worth a shot...):</p>


<p>My Credentials:</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.74</p>

<p>SAT I: 1870 (640CR, 610M, 620W)</p>

<p>SAT II (took right after Summer and did horrible): US Hist: 460 Math II: 550 Lit: 490</p>

<p>AP Classes: 3 (Literature and Composition, Psychology, Physics) along with honors classes</p>

<p>EC's: Teen Counselor Volunteer every summer for at least a few weeks (gave me Presidential Service Award); Student Body Treasurer (Student Government); LINK Crew A-Team (the freshman orientation program at my high school. A-Team is the core officer group of 8 people, the club itself has at least 70 or 80 members); National Honor Society (3 years); 2 year letterer in varsity football; 2 year letterer in varsity track and field</p>

<p>Awards: Presidential Service Award; Honorary T-Bird of the Month (student of the month at my high school)</p>

<p>My essay is written and is being used for most of the applications. The subject is how my parent's alcoholism has forced me to strive to work my hardest rather than following their path of abuse. Sounds corny, but I worked on it and revised it many times, and even had the chance to sit down with a University of Washington admissions board member for an hour and work on it. She gave me some great advice that I followed, so I'm confident that my essay is up to par with those of many Ivy League applicants.</p>

<p>I think that covers it, but I'd be happy to post any other info that would be helpful. Like I said, I know that applying to any Ivy League is a total crapshoot, but I figure that because I can get a waiver due to my financial situation currently, I shouldn't ignore that (EXTREMELY) small opportunity! And just for reference since I've noticed a lot of these: having a 2100+ on your SAT I and a 3.99 GPA is not average. I'm not exceptional and I know it, but I am above average when it comes to actual national averages. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Just curious:
You are applying to a series of mediocre schools, and then the top.
If you’ve got waivers, wouldn’t it make sense to apply to reach schools, instead of ones where you have (sorry) no chance whatsoever to get into?
The Ivies will not accept “above average” they want “above and beyond.”
I put your odds at getting into any of these Ivies at 300:1. With your SAT score, you’re wasting the admissions department’s time.</p>

<p>Just curious:
You are applying to a series of mediocre schools, and then the top.
If you’ve got waivers, wouldn’t it make sense to apply to reach schools, instead of ones where you have (sorry) no chance whatsoever to get into?
The Ivies will not accept “above average” they want “above and beyond.”
I put your odds at getting into any of these Ivies at 300:1. With your SAT score, you’re wasting the admissions department’s time.</p>

<p>I understand what you’re saying, but I think you need some perspective as well. I’ve done research and applied to schools that I’m considering as a small challenge, but not immense to get into. The University of Washington consistently ranks among the top universities in the world (very close to those of Ivy League schools). In fact, the Academic Ranking of World Universities ranked it 16th among schools around the world, including Ivy Leagues. I would hardly consider that mediocre. Rutgers stands somewhere between 40 to 50 I believe, so while it may not be one of the greatest, it certainly is a very good school. Just because a school isn’t an Ivy League or other private school doesn’t mean it isn’t good. 16th in the world must count for something.</p>

<p>You don’t need to say sorry. I stated multiple times in my original post that I figured I had almost zero chance of being accepted. I even stated that I wasn’t exceptional. I’ve spoken in person to representatives from both Brown and Yale within the past month (Yale today actually), and both of them said that while my SAT scores may not be Ivy material, they have never reviewed a case where SAT scores alone have ruined a students chances. Mine certainly will hurt my application, but that is just one aspect among many. The admissions department may be waste their time with my application, or maybe they won’t. I believe they are compensated for taking the time to review the applications that are submitted however, so I can’t say I would feel guilty for taking up a small chunk of time among thousands of other applicants. </p>

<p>You did give me some feedback however, so thank you.</p>


<p>I think you have a solid chance at getting into the U of W, Rutgers, U of P, and PLU. Obviously the chances at the ivies aren’t great, as their difficult to get into for even the most qualified students. However, it can’t hurt to apply, especially because you have a fee waiver. Find something about yourself that makes you stand out from other college applicants and focus on that in your apps, because with your stats you’ll probably need that if you want at least a decent chance at HYPS. </p>

<p>Well, good luck and I hope you get in! </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602605-chance-small-town-rural-kid-washu-ed-notre-dame.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602605-chance-small-town-rural-kid-washu-ed-notre-dame.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>1890 isnt wasting their time</p>

<p>two people from CC got admitted to brown last year with a 24 and 25 act respectively, without legacy or athletics</p>

<p>it depends if you fit their niche.</p>

<p>however, being from the north doesnt help with the ivies a lot of the time</p>

<p>^ Exactly. They’re not always looking for the kids with the highest SAT scores. If they find something about you that they like or that they think would nicely complement the student body, they may just accept you even if you’re not quite as qualified academically as other applicants.</p>

<p>I like your optimistic spirit. Don’t worry about what other people tell you. Even if you have .000001 percent chance of getting in, there is still a chance.</p>

<p>yeah so all of those schools that you are worried about, i wouldn’t be surprised if you got money from them in scholarships haha. in. </p>

<p>chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603590-i-just-found-out-i-f-d-up-last-thread-damn.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603590-i-just-found-out-i-f-d-up-last-thread-damn.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;