Average Starting Salary: Computer Science

<p>I have been accepted to Wisconsin Madison waitlist and UIUC.
I know for a FACT that I will be majoring in applied mathematics (in an area of robotics in grad school)</p>

<p>However, being realistic, if I was to stay with just a bachelor's degree
I am wondering what the starting salary is for Wisconsin Madison Computer Science majors</p>

<p>As much as I tried to research, because Computer Science is in arts and letters, i could not find the information.
It seems UIUC computer science average salary is $85,428 (<a href="http://cs.illinois.edu/about-us/cs-statistics"&gt;http://cs.illinois.edu/about-us/cs-statistics&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/p>

<p>How does it fare against UIUC computer science salary? I understand UIUC is a tops computer science program (Stanford being ~100k a year) and that region plays a huge role.
However, I still would like to know the number for average salary in Wisconsin Madison Computer Science program. Thank you.</p>

<p>Salaries in Comp sci for a software developer with a UW degree are also in that ballpark. It will depend on where you choose to job hunt.</p>

<p>Both schools have good math and comp sci departments (UW has separate buildings for each). Don’t be too rigid in your major- you may discover other aspects of math and/or computer science that most appeal to you. Jobs can be applied for locally (Epic- major electronic records firm based west of Madison) or nationally- think Amazon, Google and many others. </p>

<p>It won’t matter which of these two schools you attend for job prospects- both can give you excellent educational opportunities. You may want to look at the course offerings to see if one or the other has courses that most appeal to you not found at the other. Also consider the overall campus culture. Son got an Honors degree in math from UW including their great Honors sequence for math. He added a comp sci major and got good jobs. Your job opportunities and grad school opportunities will depend on how you do at either school.</p>

<p>Make your final decision (assuming UW becomes an option) based on where you want to spend the next four years.</p>

<p>Thank you wis75. </p>

<p>I just ask how common is it for a student majoring in Computer Science from UW to work within Wisconsin-Madison or outside?</p>

<p>I would guess the single largest hiring firm is the local medical software company-Epic. They can pay a little less because many would like to stay in town and work.</p>