Average starting salary for CS majors?

Hey, so I just got accepted from the waitlist and I’m pretty ecstatic to get here! I had made another post about CS a while back, forgive me, I don’t mean to spam. I just want to know everything about my major before I reach campus.

I was wondering what the average starting salary for a CS major was? The official site gives no information and all other sources were contradicting each other, so I thought I’d be better off asking the students here.

I also got accepted into Purdue, and they say the average starting salary for CS graduates there is ~$76,000 per year. Is the salary for UW-Madison also about the same?

Also, I would appreciate it quite a lot if I could talk to one of you about Wisconsin-Madison. I just have a few questions which I really don’t see making other posts about (this topic is quite important to me, so I made it ).

Thanks so much, guys!

Starting salaries are determined by the companies, not the school you graduate from. That figure is on the low end from what I have learned. In other words, computer software developers tend to have high earnings in the US. But- do not be concerned about just making money. Choose your major based on what you best like to do with your time.

UW has a highly rated computer science department and the skills you gain will be valuable in the national job market.

Avg is not a guarantee. Some people make more, and some make less.

What are your other questions? Post them here.