Average Undergrad GPA at Cal Poly?

I recently saw some data on average graduating undergrad GPAs at UMich and UC schools. I was wondering if there is any data available for Cal Poly. It would also be helpful if it was broken down by colleges and majors. Thanks.

Not by major but the common data set section C11 and 12 shows:

64.74% a 4.0

23.13% 3.75-3.99

8.9% 3.5 - 3.74

Average 4.04.

Is that UW or weighted and if so how - I don’t know. But someone else will.

This is a bit old but shows data by college. Maybe they have a more recent?

Academic Profiles | Cal Poly

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A breakdown by SLO college:

By major is unavailable.


@tsbna44 @sushiritto

I believe @sawadeeka is asking about current students GPA and the GPA they had at time of SLO graduation. Grade distribution data is not available unless you are a Student/Faculty or Staff according to this link: https://polydata.calpoly.edu/content/dashboards/dash_pages/enrollment_mgmt/grade_analysis/grade_distribution



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Ah, ok. Thanks.

When my son was a student (started in 2014), the unofficial word was that the average graduating GPA of MEs was 2.7. Not sure if that was accurate or up to date now. I do know from a leaked faculty final quarter grade sheet, that grades vary wildly by major. You can find it on Reddit from 2018. For example, the number of final term grade As in Materials Engineering was 78%. It was 36% in Mechanical. Math is particularly brutal with 21% As and 8% F!

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Thanks. I’ll look there.

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