average weekly studying time for bruins and how to succeed

<p>hi. i am an incoming freshman and was just wondering how much UCLA students study per week. it's obviously going to vary from person to person and major to major. so please mention your major too. btw, i'm an electrical engineering major.</p>

<p>and what do you think it takes to succeed at UCLA? chip in to advice. thanks</p>

<p>UCLA students study?</p>

<p>dont have to study a whole lot if you want a b, the curve saves most people</p>

<p>if i want a 4.0 and want to double major in physics and electrical engineering, how much would i have to study every week. in hours. just don’t say all week because that’s just unreal and depressing.</p>

<p>you can “study” every waking hour that you have, and still not absorb much. It’s not about how many hours you study but how effective you are at studying. Instead of thinking about the numbers, maybe you should focus on how to study?</p>

<p>and fyi, the usual expectation for a college class is that for every hour in class you’ll spend 2 or 3 hours outside of class with studying and homework. but if you are planning to double major in physics and EE, I see a lot of hard unsolvable problem sets up ahead. good luck with that 4.0</p>

<p>All week, which is possibly not all that unreal and yes, depressing. Physics is part of the “Letters and Science” while EE is HSSEAS, which means that they all have their own set of requirements and different GE requirements. On top of that, EE can often be a 5 year major for many people. The good news, your first year will probably be the same regardless of which major(s) you pick. So you should have time to work that out.
And if you’re really into physics that much, take Corbin.</p>

<p>^Corbin is a good teacher, but be ready to study hard.</p>