Avg hispanic Student nervous - please please chance

<p>Hispanic Male
Unweighted GPA: 86
Weighted GPA: 89
(transcript has mostly high 80s and 90s, its just my low math grades)</p>

<p>All honors except math & took ap biology, ap spanish, and ap English </p>

<p>SAT: 1270 (M+CR) 1890 (all 3) - taking it one more time but will probably only go up a little bit if anything at all.</p>

<p>SAT2: spanish - 710</p>

<p>Top 30%</p>

<p>EC's: JROTC - leadership position of platoon leader & on a extremely demanding varsity drill team (practices 6 days a week) - National Champions.
Aspira- Spanish heritage club
School Newspaper
over 300 hours of community service
Won full scholarship to study civil engineering at MTU for 2 weeks during the summer</p>

<p>wrote a greattttt essay (college adviser personally helped me with it) and personal state (personal statement was about math grades - i was helped with a college adviser to make it sound good and not like im whining) </p>

<p>Recommendations- from couch, chemistry teacher, and forensics teacher</p>

<p>Applying to:
Stony Brook
New Paltz
Penn State</p>



<p>I hope you mean “coach” :)</p>

<p>BU may be somewhat of a reach.</p>

<p>1890 + URM = admit to BU</p>



<p>bump. anyone please? please?
also, drexel and Union college</p>

<p>use college data dot com site for chances. It was very accurate for for son last year. They use the Common Data Sets and keep it current, so use that website to reassure yourself. I think you’ll do just fine though! You have a hook and you’re male --think you’ll do well in admissions.</p>