Aw! Homework Over Break!

<p>So, is there anybody else out there that has homework over break?</p>

<p>I have to do a book report for my AP English Language class on a 600 page book AND I have to annotate it on separate sheets of paper! I have another book report for my AP Government class plus a project that I forgot to finish. On top of all that, I have to make study guides for my semester exams since exams aren't until after break! This really isn't a break at all! <em>sigh</em> Does anybody else feel my pain?</p>

<p>I have a research paper(aka ISP) to write, which should be about 8 pages…
6 chapters of APUSH to read
and math analysis hw</p>

<p>that’s without studying for finals(</p>

<p>Yay! I’m not alone!</p>

<p>i have my IB English IOP coming up after the break… i’m doing it on Frankenstein so it’s not that bad but it’s hard to memorise it lol
and a test on each spanish lesson for the week (listening reading writing… argh help me) and a maths test first day back, an IB Paper 2 Practice exam for history… and i need to prepare for my Bio IA… urgh KILL ME. :P</p>

<p>Spanish conjuguemos (if anybody knows what that is), all the vocab and verb conjugations we’ve done since the beginning of the year !@#%^&*(). It’s annoying because you have to get at least 80ish and 90% accurate. </p>

<p>Tao in Thought, some stupid koan project that was never really explained. As well as a lesson plan so that we can teach our class. Again, that was never really explained. (I really dislike my Tao teacher).</p>

<p>Humanities character project. RAWR! 100 notecards, timeline, costume (hand made and historically accurate), expert sources, writing. It’s so time consuming!</p>

<p>Some AP Comp homework, APUSH, AP Spanish. I’m going to do it all on the last day :P</p>

<p>I have hw for every class plus AcaDeca… :(</p>

<p>AP Calc: a 1000000 page midterm review packet
AP English: A research paper and to finish the Great Gatsby
AP US Hist.: 5 Chapters of outline, a practice exam, and a DBQ!!

<p>On top of all that, I have to work on my TASP essays, All-district band piece, SAT prep, and writing my constructive for a debate tournament when I get back from break :)</p>

<p>Just for fun, I’ll list all the homework I have over break. Warning, reading this list may cause you to spontaneously burst out in tears.</p>

<p>ib history: internal assesmment research and analysis
ib math: practice ib exam papers
ib eng: book review, vocab, henry iv essay
ib bio: packet of busywork
ib spanish: practice ib exam
ib art: 5 pieces of art for scholastics
ib tok: tok presentation, 2 tok essays</p>

<p>plus college apps and studying for finals that I have to do well in to save my gpa</p>

<p>Economics: Study for test on Monday, the first day coming back from break
Math Research: Build a small-scale model of my catapult. -.-;
Biology: Study Nuclear Division
History: Like, 10 pages of questions. >_<
Spanish: Brochure to visit El Salvador.
English: Research Paper and Powerpoint.</p>

<p>…all due in a week. Procrastination blows.</p>

<p>Read Grapes of Wrath, write a paper on it for APUSH</p>

<p>Shouldn’t be very hard.</p>

<p>Dang, and I thought I have a lot of homework!
APUSH: read a bunch of papers and packets, read the chapter, write a DBQ</p>

<p>It’s stupid how teachers leave you (seniors) homework over break, specially because you guys have to do a lot of collegework</p>

<p>Haha, my school is on the trimester system; we had finals right before break, and teachers aren’t allowed to assign anything over break. I might do a painting for IB Visual Arts, but that’s it.</p>

<p>I have to take photos for Photography, take notes on five chapters of history, study for a history test, come up with questions for a French test on a subject we did in the beginning of the year, do notecards on two chapters of history… and some other stuff which I need to look up, because we had a snow day the day before break. And that’s not even counting the five TASP essays I still need to do.
Some break, huh?</p>

<p>I have no hw. and if i did, i wouldnt do it</p>

<p>romanigypsyeyes–yep we have to do conjuguemos as well. hate hate hate it.</p>

<p>I have about 2 sections of notes to take. That I already finished :slight_smile:
And if i wanted to get ahead on some other stuff I could but nooo way I’m going near the other stuff.
We already had our finals before break…which explains my lack of homework (NOT complaining hah)</p>

<p>Good luck to you guys who have massive amounts of hw!</p>

<p>I have a ton of HW.</p>

<p>-A short story for english to write
-Two essay contests for AP Geo
-Two projects for ToK
-A IB history term paper to begin
-An extended essay to begin
-A calc review packet</p>


<p>I’ve been up every night until about 2am doing work.</p>

<p>English II H - Huge project on Invisible Man… write an essay on when I’ve felt invisible, and then pick a social group and find three pictures, two poems, one short story, five quotes, and eight question explanations on how that social group is invisible.</p>

<p>Latin III H - Easy peasy crossword on future active indicative.</p>

<p>Precalculus H - No real homework, just have to work on ISP that’s due like end of January.</p>

<p>^We read IM also.</p>