<p>Can anybody please recommend me some books that are moderate-high level reading?? Nothing I would read in class...but nothing like harry potter or twilight either..,Basically books that I would be able to enjoy and benefit from at the same time. THANKS!!!!</p>
<p>Are you limiting your scopes to novels, or are non-fiction books (biographies, essays, etc…) also welcome?</p>
<p>Also, I dunno what can there be between Harry Potter and books one reads in class… the early Harry Potter books were probably the height of popular writing in terms of entertainment. Other popular entertainment books would probably fall on the same level of reading comprehension, while higher works would probably contain more interesting themes and philosophies and be termed literature, and thus likely to be read in clas.</p>
<p>Alright, nevermind the restrictions. Can you suggest anything that you enjoyed? maybe include a little synopsis please.</p>
<p>First of all, how dare you lump Harry Potter with Twilight? Take it back! :D</p>
<p>Welcome to the Monkey House- Kurt Vonnegut</p>
<p>Awesome collection of short stories, a lot of satire and dark humor. The best are Harrison Bergeron, All The King’s Horses, and Tom Edison’s Shaggy Dog.</p>
<p>A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving</p>
<p>About a strange little kid who inspires a man’s faith in God. I usually don’t like spiritual books, but this one was good.</p>
<p>Dubliners - James Joyce</p>
<p>Can you tell I’m a short story reader? The ones not about politics in Ireland are really good.</p>
<p>I am America and So Can You - Stephen Colbert</p>
<p>If you like Colbert, nothing more needs to be said.</p>
<p>That’s all I’ve got off the top of my head.</p>
<p>Anything Dostoevesky, Hemingway, or Dickens.</p>