Awesome Game I Stole from the Cornell Boards


<p>TPBM is going to wish me a happy birthday lol</p>

<p>True and with pleasure,
I wish you a GREEN birthday</p>

<p>TPBM is facing his/her dreams with courage</p>

<p>Hm... true, I guess. Even though I had a dream last night that I didn't get into Dartmouth. That was like the worst nightmare I've ever had. :(</p>

<p>I think you were referring to aspirations and not nighttime dreams, right? I just included that dream part because I just remembered it.</p>

<p>TPBM drinks tea, not coffee.</p>

<p>hehehe...true! I'm a true little Russian girl at heart. Us Russians and our tea. My parents don't even keep coffee in the house. BUT! I work at Dunkin' Donuts...and I drank so much coffee while working that I've built up a caffeine no longer helps me stay up when i've put off an English paper haha</p>

<p>TPBM likes Barnes and Noble better than the library</p>

<p>false!!! library = free books!! :D</p>

<p>tpbm loves to annoy ppl w/ stupid chain letters.</p>

<p>False- but ppl w/stupid chain letters sure like to annoy me.</p>

<p>TPBM hasn't worked out in at least a week</p>

<p>False...I went running before the weekend</p>

<p>TPBM is excited for spring to come</p>

<p>well, both. Winter = snow. Spring = NOTIFICATION.</p>

<p>TPBM digs a cappella choirs, and can't believe i just used the word "digs"</p>

<p>True. :p</p>

<p>TPBM would rather wait for a snail mail notification to come than check the decision online.</p>

<p>True - Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Penn, Cornell</p>

<p>TPBM thinks The Simpsons jumped the shark about 4 seasons ago</p>

<p>False--still an avid fan</p>

<p>TPBM's friends don't take them seriously</p>

<p>false...for example, if they didn't take me seriously, why'd they all volunteer to write the peer recs? haha!</p>

<p>TPBM doesn't understand the point of manicures</p>

<p>False- they look good</p>

<p>TPBM has worn Dartmouth apparel to school</p>

<p>obviously TRUE!!!</p>

<p>TPBM just had a snow ball fight / went sledding / went skating</p>

<p>false, does watching bottle rockets being shot off for science olympiad count? NERDDDDDD</p>

<p>TPBM likes to gamble.</p>

<p>trueee....haha..esp poker games after APs</p>

<p>TPBM likes Charles Dickens</p>

<p>True- I totally loved Great Expectations.</p>

<p>TPBM read HotIvy's thread on the Search and Selection board and thought she was ridiculous, but on a whole the thread was pretty funny.</p>

<p>True! Took me about 432432 hours to get through all 20+ pages of it, but obviously I found the entire thing quite entertaining, or I wouldn't have spent the time reading it all. :)</p>

<p>TPBM can touch their tongue to their nose.</p>

<p>False... but I used to be able to touch my thumb to the underside of my forearm! </p>

<p>TPBM can't wait to be able to say they're a Dartmouth alumnus/a.</p>

<p>Question: singluar masculine form is alumnus, plural masc. is alumni, sing. fem. is alumna, and pl. fem. is alumnae?</p>

<p>False, I don't want to rush it; most aulums long for what we are about to receive</p>

<p>TPBM believes no two snowflakes are the same or enduring and thinks that says a lot about life.</p>