AWPE Scores

<p>For those of you who took the analytical writing placement exam in early May, have you received your scores yet? I know that they were suposed to be sent out in mid-June, but it’s mid-June now…</p>

<p>I just wanted to know because I’m going to be signing up for classes this weekend and without the results I’ll have to sign up for my English class much later and that would not make for a decent schedule. So if anyone could help that would be great!</p>

<p>I got the e-mail just now. Like, literally, 5 minutes ago.</p>

<p>I passed and my score was a 9. Is this supposed to be good? Well, I don’t really care, I passed. :3</p>

<p>WHAT!!! I haven’t got anything yet. I been going to the mail everyday expecting my scores but I haven’t got anything back yet. I am even on my email and still haven’t got anything yet.</p>

<p>are you guys from UCD?</p>

<p>Maybe they send out scores from different schools at different times.</p>

<p>I got an 8. That is passing. At my school, if you get a 10, you can place out of the C1 requirement.</p>

<p>I found out I passed but I don’t have the actual scores. I’m going to Cal and I checked my profile and that said that I met the requirement, so I’m happy. But nothing in the mail so far. The waiting for confirmation is horrible.</p>

<p>are the results on your college profiles? -.- there’s still nothing on myucdavis…</p>

<p>The first week of July is almost up and I’ve yet to receive anything regarding my scores. I’ve been checking my CAL profile every single day as well and it still says “In Review”. Anyone else on the same boat?</p>

<p>I’m receiving my IB scores today at 3:30, so it would be nice knowing for sure whether or not I have the AWPE score to fall back on if I don’t receive at least a 5 on the IB English HL test.</p>