AZ State aid to out-of-state students?


My son has been accepted to BS in Finance at WP Carey for Fall of 2024. He also intends to apply to Barrett. We are in California so he is just now submitting applications for UCs and CSUs (in addition to some Oregon schools) so its going to be a while until he makes his final decision. He loved AZ State and really liked the business school.

Just curious how much aid AZ State typically gives (if at all) to out of state kids and whether ultimately the price tag might end up being comparable to what either a UC or CSU will cost. Business program is not eligible for WUE.

He’s got about a 4.0 weighted GPA, 3.74 u/w, will have 7 APs, 2 dual-enrollment courses, and your typical ECs, athletics, ASB, club founder, jobs, etc.

any insight much appreciated.

Did he take the ACT or SAT?

@tsbna44 what merit aid would this student get at Arizona State? What would be their net cost.

Did you fill out their scholarship estimator?

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Exactly as @Mwfan1921 says. The most I’ve seen on there is $15k. COA is $53-55k so it’s likely high 30s best case. Barrett adds another $2k in cost. U of Arizona Eller would be much less with a 4.0.


Yes, and it came out to about $15K.

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Thanks everyone. Much appreciated.

ASU only offers merit and is best for strong SAT scores. UAZ offers better merit for high GPAs.
Both have excellent honors colleges.
No financial aid (based on need).
When running the NPC, make sure to check OOS.


With a 4.0 U of A is $32k off so total COA will be mid 20s, high with Honors. It’s all personal opinion and I’m an ASU MBA but to me, U of A is much nicer, Tucson nicer than Phoenix.

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Thank you. He was all set to also apply to U of A but then changed his mind thinking that he could not envision a scenario that would have him pick UofA over AZ State but knowing this might change his mind. Unfortunately when we visited Tempe in April we could not also visit Tucson and Carey did a nice sell of their program. I will encourage him to apply. Better to have more options. UCs are a total crap-shoot in my opinion. Year after year l hear stories of high stat kids getting turned away and the CSUs he is drawn to are also hyper competitive. Sigh.


Plus - which DC does he plan to apply to for finance - Irvine or Riverside?

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Riverside. He did not like Irvine at all when we visited it. He’s never been to UCR but since they have a business program and admit rates are little more generous I am encouraging him to apply. He will also likely apply to some UC schools with the “Business Economics” major. The final list of UCs is ever evolving.


Best of luck to him. That you have ASU, he likes it, and assuming you can afford it - takes all the pressure off!!


Are you considering Cal Poly SLO (though @eyemgh will tell you more about stats - the business school has become extremely competitive), and CPP (more accessible, much lauded Packaging major) ?

Student has a 3.74, not 4.0, GPA. Arizona public universities use unweighted GPA.

Types of Aid: Incoming First-Year and Transfer Tuition Scholarship Awards | Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid indicates that the non-resident scholarship with a 3.74 GPA is $12,500 (versus $32,000 with a 4.0 GPA). 2024-2025 Terms and Conditions | Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid indicates that “core unweighted high school GPA through your sixth semester” is used.

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I missed that - I just saw 4.0 Yes they do. My bad. U of A wouldn’t work then. If you get a 3.75 in the core classes, it’s $20K off - so that prices you near where ASU likely will and if it’s under a 3.75 (even fractionally), it’s $12,500 off.

I have to read better. My bad.

Thanks for the correction.

It would depend on the 9-11 capped and weighted GPA, but most of the Orfalea majors are probably out of reach.

Depending on the recalculated GPA though, Industrial Technology and Packaging might be in play. I think it’s one of the most intriguing, underrated majors at CP SLO.

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