<b> CHANCE ME, I'll chance you!</b> ♥

<p>Chancing me will boost your confidence, perhaps? </p>


<p>These are my real scores, and it took alot of courage for me to say it because these kids on these boards are superkids.</p>

<p>General Info:
Asian that lives in Pennsylvania
GPA: 3.29 (weighted)
SAT: 1- 1770
2- 1830
Combined 1870
Chem- 620
Math 1- 660 (i got all my questions right but was too slow to answer all of them ! >:O )
Class Rank: Top 40%</p>

1. Indo-Pak Club (indian/asian club)
2. Art Club
3. Reading Olympics
4. First Robotics -
This is a robot building team where we compete with other schools. I started this at my school and it was really hard trying to convince the principal and finding sponsers.
5. Volunteered at the Library for 16 hours
6. Interned at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine for a week
7. Piano- for 7 years- I have videos on YouTube.</p>

<p>Junior Year
3 honors class
Senior Year
All honors, and AP Bio 1 & 2</p>

In freshman year, I had really bad grades and even failed a class.
But after every year, my courses become more challenging and I do much better.
I also started a competitive robots program, will this help me along with me improving so much?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

Penn State University Park
U Delaware
U Maryland College Park

<p>*I like biology and physics so I decided to major in biomedical engineering?
If anyone has better suggestions for schools, please tell. Thanks!
* I was thinking of sending some colleges a 'highlights CD' of me playing piano. Do you think it will be a plus?
*Sorry about the HTML on top, thought it would work</p>

<p>Penn State University Park - safety
U Delaware - safety/match
U Maryland College Park - match
Drexel - match/safety
Temple - match</p>

<p>I have to agree with Laxgurl on this one. Your gpa, while low, should be supported by your above average SAT and your good EC’s. DEFINITELY send in the highlight CD of you, or at least note than you do have a CD if they wish to hear it.</p>

3.9 GP UW (B’s in freshman English, A’s in all subsequent English classes)
31 ACT Plus Writing, 33 English, 34 Reading, 26 Math (I know…), 30 Science…writing 6 …ehh
FBLA 12th
FFA 12th
Louisiana Parish Academic Award 3rd Year (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
State Literary Rally 9th, 11th (9th I went in Alg 1, 11th in Eng 3)
State Social Studies Fair 9th
Principal’s List 9th, 10th, 11th
Honor Roll- 12th (I had a B in College Math)
National Honor Society Member- 10th, 11th
Student Council
Library Club- 9th (club cut due to budget…)
National Junior Honor Society- 9th
Science Award in Physical Science- 9th (they have quit giving out science awards…)
GEE Award- 10th
GEE Mastery and Advanced Award-11th
11th Grade Honor Roll Award
Student of the Year Nominee</p>

<p>I’ve done some volunteer work, but not near the amount I think I should have. I’m going to try to volunteer more soon if I can, since I only have about 30-40 hours.</p>

<p>I joined the soccer team but my school cancelled it due to budget cuts before we could even have a practice.</p>

<p>I’m also taking the hardest classes possible at my school, which doesn’t offer either AP or Honors courses. I’m taking two Dual Enrollment Classes, Algebra 3 and English IV D.E and also taking Physics. We don’t have Calculus or Pre-Calculus here so I will take that later.</p>

<p>Algebra 3 D.E. counts as Math 100, 101, and 112 in College credit, and English IV D.E. counts as English IV highschool, English 101, 102 College credit.</p>


<p>Also the rank is 1/44 at a small Louisiana school so I know that makes it worse but meh what can you do.</p>

<p>Essay was maybe gonna be about my mom when she was an alcoholic because of being depressed about money and that made me want to get a good education so …eh I dunno</p>

Washington and Lee

<p>I’d say you’re probably in at all of them</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602605-chance-small-town-rural-kid-washu-ed-notre-dame.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602605-chance-small-town-rural-kid-washu-ed-notre-dame.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>i think UMD / Penn State / and Delaware look best…good luck!!!</p>

<p>In response to fromthesouth-
I prefer to know your weighted GPA:
Georgetown- In
Wash and Lee- In; My friend with 31 ACT score and 4.5 GPA got in
Tulane- In if your W. GPA is higher than 4.1
Cant say anything about dartmouth, i dont know about it</p>

<p>I really want to get into Penn State U Park, not any other campus.
Does starting that team help me at all? My counselor was telling me how I probably will not get in.</p>

<p>iv been strongly considering upark too… its harder to get into than people think, and unfortunatly gpa is 2/3rds of the application decision… i would say it is a little bit of a reach, but your ECs will definately help to boost your gpa, i would say you have a very good chance</p>

<p>“Penn State University Park - safety
U Delaware - safety/match
U Maryland College Park - match
Drexel - match/safety
Temple - match”</p>

<p>Laxgurl0707, are these serious chances?</p>

<p>Penn State University Park’s average gpa range is 3.5-3.9 and is the highest ranked school on this list. I bet you are also one of those people that thinks northeastern is a great school…</p>

<p>A 3.29 weighted would be make Penn State University Park, Maryland, and probably Delaware reaches.</p>

<p>Temple is a match and Drexel is a safety.</p>

<p>Wow, talk about people giving chances when they have no idea what they’re talking about.</p>

<p>i have to confess some i knew nothing about i just assumed laxgurl did lol</p>

<p>as for my weighted gpa…our school doesn’t weight gpa so that is 3.9 natural</p>

<p>i have to confess some i knew nothing about i just assumed laxgurl did lol</p>

<p>as for my weighted gpa…our school doesn’t weight gpa so that is 3.9 natural</p>

<p>Yeah, I think laxgurl was just being polite.
I really want to go to U Penn.
Drexel is too expensive for me ($30,000 alone for tuition), but should I apply anyway just to see if I get a discount?
Are there any college suggestions for me with a good bioengineering program that I could get into w my scores?</p>

<p>Penn State University Park- safety
U Delaware-match
U Maryland College Park-match
Drexel- safety

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602724-chances-i-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/602724-chances-i-chance-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;