B of A to send another army of IB's to the street

<p>And it's not Wall Street</p>

<p>Bloomberg.com:</a> Worldwide</p>

<p>Barron’s what do you plug into Google to get notification of all IB woes? I’m not going to call the office anymore to see what’s going on if you’ll just give me your cell number!</p>

<p>Everyone knew this was coming, but there are a lot of B of A folks going because ML brought a whole different level of employee. The joke last week, bad, I know–when the plane heading for Charlotte from NY went down The Street wondered if it was a planned mass suicide event.</p>

<p>And one thing you have to admit that’s a positive coming out of this mess, there are going to be lots of people who’ve been there teaching now.</p>

<p>lol, i’ve noticed through many of barrons’s posts that he has a certain degree of disdain for the IB industry and apparently he seems to relish in the woes of the IB industry</p>

<p>Well, let me count the ways. The IB industry has directly caused the last three major recessions, caused untold numbers of people in good viable comapnies to lose their jobs in badly conceived mergers and acquisitions, and foisted junk securities on investors all over the world. Yes, I don’t like them as a group. The useful part of their industry could be done by about 5% of the people now in it.</p>

<p>Further fuel for the fire.</p>

<p>[Billions</a> of Taxpayer Dollars Flushed Down John Thain’s 35K Commode: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance](<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker/article/163151/Billions-of-Taxpayer-Dollars-Flushed-Down-John-Thain’s-35K-Commode?tickers=BAC,GS,JPM,XLF,MS,^GSPC,^DJI]Billions"&gt;http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker/article/163151/Billions-of-Taxpayer-Dollars-Flushed-Down-John-Thain’s-35K-Commode?tickers=BAC,GS,JPM,XLF,MS,^GSPC,^DJI)</p>

<p>And more…</p>

<p>[Wall</a> Street’s Sick Psychology of Entitlement](<a href=“http://clusterstock.alleyinsider.com/2009/1/wall-streets-sick-psychology-of-entitlement]Wall”>http://clusterstock.alleyinsider.com/2009/1/wall-streets-sick-psychology-of-entitlement)</p>