<p>bthomp1: Ahh I didn’t know that about Kelley. UNC is the same way with their business undergrad program where you have to spend one semester in the college of arts and sciences and then transfer into business.</p>
<p>Cross UNC off your list then also if you’re worried about that internal transfer gamble.</p>
<p>I’d try to get that gpa up and aim for nyu, georgetown, and have you considered boston college or cornell?</p>
<p>Nxt, I will definitely stay in touch over the course of the year. Hopefully I can continue an upward trend and they will be more forgiving about the dismal start. Here’s to hoping for the best!</p>
<p>Ah, didn’t know that about UNC either, guess you’re right Kulakai, probably will cross UNC off my list then. I actually visited BC when I was looking in HS and the atmosphere did not seem right for me at all. So I will probably not consider BC again. I have considered Cornell though (you’re talking about Cornell AEM, right?). However, one of the requirements for transferring into the program is that you have to complete an Intro Bio class. I only got a 3 on my AP Bio exam and at USC the sciences are grouped together, so I passed out of the science requirement with my AP Chem & Physics classes. The closest thing to a science class that I will be taking in my entirety at USC will be a geology class called “Earthquakes”. So I’m not sure if it’s worth it to apply as I realize that I’ll be at a huge disadvantage, though I suppose I could say in “Additional Info” that if I attend, I’d be willing to take an Intro to Biology course at a CC or at some other college over the summer.</p>
<p>I think you should try some LAC’s too. Midd, Amherst, and Swat are the big ones, but there are also some VERY good schools like Vassar, Colgate, Hamilton, Skidmore, and Union that have better acceptance rates for transfers.</p>
<p>AEM requires two bio courses in a sequence which crossed it off my list. I’ll message you my list I’ve been compiling for applications for next fall.</p>
<p>hey Kulakai and akalboy, I’m in the same boat as you guys. I’m a Kelley student considering transfer for a few B-schools. If you don’t mind, could you send me a list of what schools you are considering? the two bio courses for AEM also turned me off for Cornell, however I’m applying for the Hotel Management school since i fulfill the credits for it. I was also considering Georgetown and NYU. I have about a 3.62 GPA but i’m hoping to pull that up next year.</p>
<p>Ifailedcalculus: I’ll Pm you the list I made also.</p>
<p>Thanks for the list Kulakai, I’ll PM you shortly so we can talk some more :D</p>
<p>NuclearPakistan1, the thing about LAC’s that make me a bit worrisome is that I’m afraid many of them will be too small for my liking. Another thing is that they don’t have any b-schools and I truthfully don’t want to be stuck doing strictly economics. However, I will look into a few of the schools you mentioned and see what they offer, maybe they have some sort of management majors.</p>
<p>ifailedcalculus (sorry you failed, btw, lol), hm, I just looked at the Hotel Management school and it looks like the only requirement is chemistry, so I guess I’d qualify too, lol. But I will PM you the schools I’m considering ATM, though they’ve mostly been mentioned here.</p>