B+ Student interested in politics/government

<p>By the time I graduate I should have about 6-7 APs to my name, with 4 A's and 2-3 B's (not sure if I will be schedule one of them). My ACT is a 31, haven't taken the SAT.</p>

<p>$$$ is a HUGE issue for us. We won't be able to contribute any more than maybe a few thousand dollars a year and that is mostly what I make by working over the summer. We can hardly pay the bills now.</p>

<p>I love politics and government. I volunteered for a campaign and gave about 30 hours a week to it. I also intern with the local HQ of my party of choice. I'm involved in debate, editor-in-chief of newspaper, and involved in Interact. Nothing particularly amazing.</p>

<p>My GPA is about a 3.7 UW. That may be A- range. I live in VA, but the only school I'm really interested in here is William&Mary. Please recommend others.</p>

<p>I wouldnt count yourself out of top schools with a 3.7. People apply to those kinda of schools with lower GPAs and get in</p>

<p>if money is a huge issue…then some top schools might be a problem. They only really offer lots of money to people with perfect everything</p>

<p>What schools would you recommend then?</p>

<p>University of Rochester is strong in Poly Sci and also is very good with merit aid. Also, Syracuse and Ohio State are supposed to be good with aid and both also have strong poly sci programs.</p>

<p>Best Schools For Political Science/Government Majors</p>

<p>American University
Amherst College
Bard College
Bates College
Bowdoin College
Brigham Young University
Bryn Mawr College
Carleton College
Claremont McKenna College
College Of The Holy Cross
Columbia University
Davidson College
Dickinson College
Drew University
Furman University
George Mason University
George Washington University
Georgetown University
Gettysburg College
Gonzaga University
Harvard College
Kenyon College
Macalester College
Princeton University
Stanford University
Swarthmore College
Syracuse University
University Of Arizona
University Of California - Berkeley
University Of California - Los Angeles
University Of Washington
Vassar College
Yale University</p>