BA vs Econ vs...

<p>I am a current student at a community college looking to transfer to either UC Berkeley or UCLA for Economics. I have been thinking, however, if going into Haas instead or taking Business Economics in UCLA will benefit me more compared to a degree in Economics in either school as far as job prospects go? I have done a great deal of searching throughout the site but still haven't found anything concrete to help me make a decision because the argument between the two degrees usually goes both ways. Also, based on a past post Cal Poly SLO seems to be a good school for either Business Administration or Economics so I am considering that a choice as well.</p>

<p>I eventually want to get an MBA and I plan on entering the corporate world to make my way up to upper management positions down the road as far as my career goes.</p>

<p>From reading recent posts on this site clearly your best bet is to move to Canada.</p>

<p>Haas school is better than UCLA business school, i think it will be better to get into Haas School u can try both and also Cal Poly SLO</p>