Baby Thrown on Ground and Killed

<p>I usually don't get freaked out or mad about most news but this one is just... one of the worst things imaginable. </p>

<p>Murder</a> charges mystify friends of day-care worker --</p>

<p>This is just... wow, she should like die.</p>

<p>yeah i saw this story from sxephil on youtube</p>

<p>it bothers the hell out of me and makes me question whether or not i can trust a babysitter wen i have a family one day</p>

<p>At least she didn’t steal their stuff.</p>

<p>God when i read that the baby got up and crawled away to his “safty zone” before he died almost had me crying!</p>

<p>Yeah, really messed up.</p>

<p>i had the same reaction as danaya this lady should be drawn and quartered or something just as horrible this story has made me physically ill. I honestly wish i never read that.</p>

<p>So sad. </p>

<p>People with short tempers should not work in daycares. </p>

<p>Poor baby.</p>

<p>Yeah =/
people can suck</p>

<p>i know this is horrible, but i feel kind of sorry for the daycare worker…just think how she feels right now…it’s not like it was her normal behavior or anything…
and obviously i feel for the child too, i’m not a hard-hearted person or anything…i was just thinking…</p>

<p>What a completely ****ed up woman…</p>



<p>While I agree with you that she must feel horrible, don’t you think she should feel horrible? She killed a baby.</p>


<p>if this happened to me…</p>

<p>^ then you’d be dead :p</p>

<p>^^ hahah.
but in all seriousness this is so terribly tragic. I can’t even believe there are ppl like that out there…so sick.</p>

<p>“Benjamin grabbed his blanket and crawled to his “comfort zone,” a bouncer seat, where he collapsed and later died, police said.”</p>

<p>…;( ;( sooo heartbreaking.</p>

<p>yes, i agree she should feel extremely horrible…i do not think i would be able to stand being her, and that’s why i feel bad for her…just think of all the regret.of what she could have done…</p>

<p>OMG… that’s horrible</p>