Bachelors and Graduates degree at the same time?

Hi all, I recently had a talk with a woman in VA and was told that there was a way I could receive my Bachelors and Masters at the same time since the rules were changed last August and my bill will no longer cover Grad school or Med school. Does anyone have any information on this or went this route and succeeded? Does a double major have anything to do with this?

Any input or information is welcome… Roll Tide!

Look up the University Scholars Program on the UA site.

since the rules were changed last August and my bill will no longer cover Grad school or Med school.



can you clarify? What rules changed? What bill will no longer cover grad/med school?

Are you a veteran?


What rules changed?
As of August 2014 they have changed the rules to how the Alabama GI Bill will be spent and now anyone who qualifies for the current GI Bill only receives funds worth an Undergraduates degree.

What bill will no longer cover grad/med school?
From what the VA worker told my family the GI Bill covered all of my expenses up to Med School last year but since the new change now it does not any longer.

Are you a veteran?
And no ma’am I am a dependent of my father.

*** She also said although the GI no longer covers Grad and Med there are many ways I can “work the system” meaning receiving a Bachelors and Masters at the same time.

I hope this clears up things for you :slight_smile:

You are referring the Alabama GI Bill and not the Va post 9/11 GIBill correct?

It says 10 semesters, does not say anything about excluding grad or med school. They only way I could think you could work the system is if you could get them to allow you take grad school classes without receiving your bachelors diploma, applying for graduation when you have met the requirements for both.

If I am misunderstanding and you are referring to the post 9/11respond and I will answer.

Okay I found the exclusion, in the 2nd link under entitlements in the “Note”. The way I read it they won’t pay for grad classes even if you haven’t received a bachelors degree. Are you entitled to the post 9/11 gi bill as well?

@Longsx3 Is it possible for a dependent to get both? If so, could he use the Alabama benefits for undergrad, and use the post-911 benefits for grad?

@Longsx3 I’m referring to the Alabama GI Bill.

@mom2collegekids can I receive the post 911 if I am only an independent

@Longsx3 Can you answer the above Q? thanks a bunch!!

@mom2collegekids I can not find anything that would preclude someone from using both the Alabama dependents GI Bill then using the Post 9/11, assuming they are eligible, for grad school.

@zf3456 can you explain your situation are you eligible for the post 9/11 GiBill as a dependent or as a service memember?

Also anyone can feel free to private msg with questions, it is helpful if you also post them here for others, I am not on here very often but I do get email notifications when I have a PM.