Bachelor's or Master's in Journalism?

<p>I want to become an international journalist and am not sure if a bachelors in IR and masters in journalism would be better or vice versa. Is there really a big difference or preference? Any feedback would be appreciated.</p>

<p>There are many journalists out there who didn’t major in journalism at all - I think you’ll be fine whichever way you choose. Another option is to double major.</p>

<p>CE527M- okay, thank you for the input!</p>

<p>As someone with a working journalist in their family and since I plan on becoming a journalist as well I think I can try to answer this question. There is no issue with getting a journalism bachelors in order to suceed though you have to try to land really good internships before you graduate. If you change your mind about journalism, I know many journalism majors who went on to take the bar test and go into law school. </p>

<p>My uncle got his PHD and is now a Journalism professor, He also writes journalism textbooks. That’s always a more sturdy career if your nervous about job prospects. My cousin who got a journalism degree is now a PR specialist at an online job searcher firm. </p>

<p>Something my uncle always stressed is to go to a school that is close to or in the city. You don’t want to go to the middle of nowhere unless it has a lot of top journalism professors. He said network, network, network. Journalism is like the business and entertaining world. Your degree and qualifications are good, but who you know and the friends you keep will get you where you want to go! :)</p>