Back from BamaBound

<p>S had a great time and met a a lot of people at BB. There are a lot of freshmen from this area as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago- 40 from CT. There was one guy who lived on the next street over from where we just moved (different high schools). Lots of different oos kids and some from Alabama, a really great environment. </p>

<p>He checked out a couple of frats and said the houses are really nice. He didn’t make any inquiries, just took a look. </p>

<p>He is signed up for Arts of T-town which I think is just great. What better way to learn about the area? </p>

<p>Big thing on my list is the vax stuff and then I think he is good to go.</p>

<p>OOS H and D returned from BB late Tues. DH’s first visit to UA…I received the following text from him Monday morning… “WOW! What an awesome place! UA is great!”</p>

<p>D unable to register for a couple classes she wanted (showing full) at BB but got online early this morning and was able to get everything she wanted as todays session opened up! </p>

<p>When I spoke directly to DH at the end of the first day of BB and asked him how the rest of his day went he said, “Awesome, awesome and more awesome!” We even had the…Don’t you wish we could have gone to college at UA, and the ….Don’t you wish you were retired already so we could move down there conversations…D saying she really wouldn’t mind if we did move down :)! H is not an outwardly emotional guy but shared that he started to tear up at one point the first day when he turned to D to comment …“I can tell this (going to UA) was meant to be for you.” He went on to tell me how reassuring it had been to meet many of the key people in the Honors and Athletic departments that D will be associated with and how good it is to know that her new family at UA will be looking out for her. Yesterday she was literally dancing out of my room telling me how excited she is for the fall after having shared more details of this visit.</p>

<p>They enjoyed the catfish sandwiches at Moe’s BBQ while in T-town Mon. night - a favorite place of D’s already. I reminded her as I was informed by a friendly patron on my first visit to Moe’s w/D in Feb. that the correct way to say it is…“samich”. She also had to make sure they stopped at Gigi’s Cupcakes before heading out of town Tuesday which resulted in a rave review for the Kentucky Bourbon Pie cupcake. </p>

<p>They were both taken aback by the extent of the destruction on a drive down McFarland on the way out of town. D on phone with me saying she wanted to know the damage before leaving so she was prepared when back for OA. It upset her to see it but she also knows she will have the opportunity to make a positive impact in the clean-up and rebuilding while at UA.</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who contributes on this site. We have really appreciated all the suggestions that have helped us from the initial stages of applications to directions into and around town, restaurant suggestions etc. More recently the advice about the class registration process at BB and to not get stressed out if classes aren’t open while there but to get on the computer as other BB sessions occur relieved a lot of anxiety that may have been there otherwise. This has to be one if not the most informative and helpful CC sites ever.</p>

<p>So glad to hear that it all went well!! :)</p>

<p>asked him how the rest of his day went he said, “Awesome, awesome and more awesome!” We even had the…Don’t you wish we could have gone to college at UA, and the ….Don’t you wish you were retired already so we could move down there conversations…</p>


<p>I can’t tell you HOW many times my H and I have said the SAME things! Whenever we’re down there we just think…awww…we wish we could have gone here. And, we do want to retire there. </p>

<p>When H found out that I’m going to T town next Friday (not tomorrow), he announced, “I’m going to take the day off and go with you.” (Fine with me, now I don’t have to drive…LOL)</p>

<p>tvlbug…what state are you from? (I should check the Roll Call thread to see if you’ve already indicated your state.)</p>

<p>Great post trvlbug! UA truly is an awesome place. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Idinct & Trvlbg, </p>

<p>Glad everyone had a great experience, and Trvlbg - I hear through the grapevine that a big part of OA this year will involve the group giving a hand on some tornado reconstruction projects. They will still have the canoeing and exploration, but they will also help with T-town’s comeback - should really help them get to know the city and what it has endured.</p>

<p>^^ I hope the grapevine is correct on this. In fact, I kinda hope they skip the canoeing and exploration and just focus on tornado reconstruction.</p>

<p>Hoping AA would do the same thing.</p>

<p>^^^^^ Me too! And D too!</p>

<p>That’s exactly what D said too. When she first heard about the tornado, she said “well now we can really make a difference at AA instead of just painting some mural on a wall.” Not saying that couldn’t make a difference in someone’s life too, but they could do some meaningful, impactful service that could change lives (including their own!)</p>

<p>My son got a letter about OA yesterday. Here’s what it said in part: “Because of the April 27 tornado in Tuscaloosa, we will alter this year’s schedule to include 2 days of community service in Tuscaloosa as part of the recovery effort.”</p>