Backordered textbook

<p>I ordered my books online from the campus bookstore a couple of weeks ago. They all arrived except for one, which was shown as backordered. As of today it's still backordered. If it hasn't arrived when classes start next week, is that usually a problem, or is some slack usually cut? The class is MAE 172 (Engineering Graphics).</p>

<p>Advice: Dont order ANY books from the bookstore. This semester, I got all my books on amazon new for cheaper than the price that the bookstore charges them used. My only exception is when its a custom book. So my advice, if that book is back ordered, just order it online with the 2-3 day shipping and youll be fine. You can survive the first week without your books anyways and the professors understand that people are still getting books. </p>

<p>Also: enjoy solidworks. Its one of the biggest and most important skills youll learn which applies directly to industry.</p>

<p>I used to rent from Chegg but their prices seem to have gone up, at most they’re $5-12 cheaper compared to used prices at the bookstore, plus you’re renting so just throwing money away really. In a pinch its still an option I suppose. Plus if you’re just taking a course to meet a requirement like upper division GE there’s really no need to keep the book afterwards - unless you really like it. </p>

<p>Anyway, I managed to find everything I needed online (Ebay/Amazon) for less than the bookstore charges - I think one or two books were used but everything else was brand new.</p>

<p>Thanks, actually the book just shipped today so I’m good. I agree there are other good options for finding books at good prices.</p>

<p>i also used chegg for the first time, and was very happy when my books came with a redbull, gum, and poster stickies! I think the bookstore is okay to buy from when the price is only a few dollars up from amazon/ because it saves money on shipping and time.</p>