Bad form to contact admissions office with questions?

Is it bad form to reach out to an admissions office with questions about placement testing and course selections timeline? Or will we be considered a nuisance and wait for decisions?

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Wait for decisions. Schools that have accepted you will be helpful at that point.

You could be asking now at a school that won’t admit you, and at least imo, it could come across as presumptuous or clueless, which isn’t going to help your case for admission either. And practically, you’re unlikely to get an answer until after M10.

My guess, based on how you asked, is that this is the answer you expected. :wink:


Before decisions? Very bad form. And how very presumptuous.

Even after decisions it’s bad form. Wait for the info packet


Thank you!! Yes, was worried that it would look presumptuous.

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It is not possible for schools to know about placement until they have admitted a student. Most seem like they give placement tests and do some jiggering once school starts. I think once schools have accepted students they will be more available to answer questions (as they are pretty busy right now reviewing applications) and help you make the right choice for your child. Additionally, no sense focusing on a school’s timeline/process as it might differ from where you are accepted. I suppose ask yourself why you want that information now? Many of the course selection/curriculums and requirements are posted on the different sites. That might give you a bit of insight as well. I month is not too long to wait (though it seems longer).
Good luck in the process!