<p>I am a high school Junior in the IB program at the number 7 school in the nation. Where are my chances at places such as Emory, Berekely, UCLA, Wash U, Johns Hopkins, George Washington, USC, NYU, etc. Am i shooting too high?</p>
GPA: 3.4 (UW) / 4.1 (W)
ACT: 33 comp. (math:35 science:34 reading:32 english:31 essay:10)
SAT II: Math IIC 780... going to take bio and chem
Academics: toughest courseload possible
soph year: 3 AP (stat, us gov, comp gov), 4 honors/Pre-IB
junior yr: 3 AP (macro, lit, comp), 6 IB (bio, chem, tok, us hist, eng, math) 1 honors (spanish)</p>
<p>EC: travelled to india and conducted a study on anemia (I got to draw blood and run blood tests and helped with the indentification and treatment of anemia in schoolchildren... I am in the process of writing a paper sponsored my an MD)
summer program at duke
volunteer at hospital
treasurer of doctor club at school
various clubs (key club, hands across campus, cinematography)
debate awards
i play piano, guitar, bass guitar, and drums
i also play tennis (recreational)</p>
<p>i know my gpa is going to hurt but how do i fare at the listed colleges and any suggested colleges?</p>
<p>when i referred to 7th in the nation, yes i meant by newsweek. i know their system is flawed (we have been excluded from the list until last yr) but i just wanted to put that out there. and i dont live in california, will it make it that much harder to get into berkeley?</p>
<p>If I am able to get mostly A's this semester my UW GPA will reach about 3.5 or so and my W GPA will shoot up to a 4.4. if possible could u guys give me a 1-100 chance of getting in to those listed colleges or any others u may suggest that could be a possible match/slight reach. thanks.</p>
<p>Sorry but UCLA and Berkeley are extremely hard to get into but. Even though your gpa is low...those other colleges u mentioned might take your other factors into consideration. Just apply anyways (even to the top colleges) its won't hurt. If you get in...great and if not go somewhere else.</p>
<p>I respectfully disagree with the other posters. In my opinion, you have an excellent chance at every single listed school. Many schools award "A"s easily. If your school is demanding,your GPA is fine. However,the average GPA at the U. Calif. is 4.0,somewhat due to grade inflation. Just reread your stats;you are qualified for every single school on your list. This does not mean that you will get in to every one,but you should.</p>