Bad on my first test...

<p>Ok guys, I am an electrical engineering major, and I had my first sociology exam today. This is supposed to be my easy money class, and I was banking on doing well. I studied a ton, read the book, looked over the notes, knew everything... well the test comes around and the professor says its the easiest thing ever. Wouldn't you know, I got.....</p>

<p>90%. Honestly I felt like I wanted to bang my head into a wall. The test was super easy and I made 3 dumb mistakes. The test was 50 points out of the total 400 for the class, so its a major part of my grade. To get an A, I need a 95% overall for the class. Should I just give up hope now of getting an A?</p>

<p>not after the first test. 10% of your grade is nothing. I have some classes where 1 test is 40% of your grade. Now those are the a-hole rapers. Just slow down a bit and don’t be cocky when going through the next test.</p>

<p>I wasnt cocky- i studied a ton. I think this 90% is gonna be the end of the 4.0 it looks like</p>

<p>Even if it is a 4.0 is little more than a personal trophy. I’ve never heard of an employer saying “yes we want a 4.0 but not a 3.8”.</p>

<p>I don’t think it will hurt the chances of the 4.0, i probably missed 5 points on the test, out of 400 that still gives me some wiggle room, maybe i can get extra credit to help</p>

<p>Not to get off topic, but the difference between a 4.0 and 3.8 would make a difference on med/grad school applications. A 90% may have thrown you off your game, but it won’t kill you. You can still get an A.</p>

<p>I will just work harder, its a sociology class and I am sure that there is extra credit involved. a 3.8 will get you into any grad school though. I dont wanna freak out over one 90% test but I should have done better, its only like a 2-3 point difference</p>

<p>What was the point of this thread</p>

<p>The dude needs some reassurance that scoring a 90% on a test isn’t the end of the world. Read between the lines bra’</p>

<p>I debated throwing myself out the nearest window.</p>

<p>Lol. Remember it’s still a 90%. I’ve had tests where the averages were 25%. Nothing makes you more suicidal than getting a test back that is 90% blank because you had no clue how to do the problems and 10% red ink because you did everything else wrong.</p>

<p>Still, I have a hard time living with myself when I know I could have done better. It was 50 problems and i missed 5 but i should have only missed 2-3 max. Pis.sed</p>

<p>If you’re really that bothered by it…then have you thought about what caused you to make those mistakes? There is a such thing as over-studying. Where you get so caught up in the nitty gritty hard details that you forget about the simple details. Hell I’ve done some problems where I’ve <em>triple</em> checked my work and ended up making a stupid numerical mistake because in my mind the numbers were right, so I glossed over them with my eyes on the paper and didn’t realize I wrote them wrong.</p>

<p>Nah it was just specific stuff, that was totally unrelated to the topic and was on a random Youtube video that we watched in class. But hey, now i know that the legal marrying age in India is 18 for girls but 21 for boys, and not 18 for both >.></p>

<p>I wish i could do that!! I just hate seeing people who dont work as hard as me do better than me in class. I mean I know it could always be worse but i grew up in a family where an “A” was average and an “A-” was failure. Thus is why i had a 4.0 unweighted GPA in high school</p>





<p>. . .</p>

<p>I am goin nuts bro</p>

<p>College isn’t really about how hard you can work. Some people just take to subjects better than other. Or some are just better at a certain professor’s tests than others. One thing that freshman often don’t understand is that effort doesn’t always translate into a grade like it does in high school.</p>

<p>which is total crap i have to admit- I love classes with homework and assignments because it shows that you work hard to get your grade and if you have a bad day like i did it wont kill you</p>

<p>If anything it reflects real life. You can have 20 years of good days and the 1 bad day you have gets you canned.</p>