<p>Yep. I should probably drop out of college now after gettin that grade. Its bull that your entire livelihood is decided by your performance on a few tests</p>
<p>Well if you want a 4.0, it’s still very possible… You only missed 5 points on this test and you can miss 20 in the whole class and still get the 4.0</p>
<p>Assuming you study as much as you did for this test on other exams, you’ll be fine. </p>
<p>Wouldn’t your time be spent better by joining a club or having fun in college than stressing so much about missing 2 more points than you deem “acceptable”?? You missed them, get over it. </p>
<p>Sent from my Thunderbolt using CC App</p>
<p>Dude I am already in 3 clubs, work in the labs, do competitive intramural soccer, and hit up the gym usually every day…</p>
<p>I’d say i do a lot of other things than “stress”</p>
<p>And dude, college is not about fun. College is about working your ass off to get to where you wanna be. You can have fun after college. My parents made that clear from age 10 and I totally agree with them lol</p>
<p>The way you talked about getting a 90% made me think you were stressed, either way, good luck on your class and that 4.0</p>
<p>Sent from my ADR6400L using CC App</p>
<p>There are kids out there who walk in the cold, up a big hill, to take an exam and earn a 48. Your first college exam and you are sweating a 90%. You may want to relax a bit because as an engineer you are in for some humbling moments.</p>
<p>I felt sad reading your posts about the pressure you have on you to earn top grades. Do you enjoy learning or do you just enjoy what the grades mean? As an engineering student be aware that you can study yourself to death and there will always be a few in your class that will earn top grades while you have studied for days or weeks.</p>
<p>You’re crying about a 90%? If you’re an engineer you will have a rude awakening man. Not to be mean, but I’m classes with engineers now. In some courses a 68 is an A because the exam is so hard.</p>
<p>So, if an “A” is average in your family standards…then what’s above average?</p>
<p>Come on. A 90% on one test won’t screw you ever.</p>
<p>Also, don’t bank on getting a 4.0, especially if you’re an EE major. Possible, but even the brightest don’t get a 4.0. And…it’s not about getting a 4.0 gpa; it’s about learning how to apply what you learn in school to real-life situation…unless going to a “top” grad school is all you care about.</p>
<p>Typical CC thread…“OMG someone help i got a 90% my entire life is about to crumble before my eyes” -_____-</p>
<p>momma-three: No I don’t enjoy learning at all. My parents told me college is about work and work only, and that I can have fun after college. Throughout all my schooling before high school my parents wouldn’t let me out of my room until all my papers were neat, and they frequently made me re-do them if they were sloppy. Thus, I have been diagnosed with a mild form of OCD. woot!</p>
<p>^^ Is this what you’re going to tell your therapist in 5 years? It’s interesting that you parents enforce standards which are an almost guaranteed setup for “failure”. Your parents wouldn’t happen to be asian and or premed-majors back in the day?</p>
<p>And as someone said above, realize that classes only get harder for EE. Sure you might be able to study 3 days for every test, but you’ll burn out before you graduate and you probably still won’t get a 4.0. Remember you’re diploma says the same thing as the next guy’s whether you finish with a 3.2 or a 4.0 (well, mostly, but who cares about _ cum laude)</p>
<p>Both of my parents were in the medical field although when I graduate I will be making more than both of them. And no I dont like to bring up my OCD to my therapist because it is kinda embarrassing. Trust me my performance in high school has set me up for failure, as I never even got an A- lol… but hey this is good stress its better to stress out about grades than to drink or do drugs haha</p>
<p>No! Getting a 90 versus a 95 or a 100 on this one test does NOT make much of a difference on your overall grade. Plus…this was your first test. Learn from what you did so that you can do better next time. Also, don’t ever listen to professors when they say this will be easy or this will be hard. Professors say things that people play into so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy (if they say its hard, people do worst because the professor said its harder and if the professor said its easy, you won’t study as hard as you may need to). Lastly, getting good grades starts in your mind. Write 100% in sharpie on the top of this test and focus on getting 100% on the next tests instead of focusing on what you got on this one. Good luck!</p>
Then why do you even see a therapist?
Having a couple beers or a glass or two of wine is actually far healthier for you than stressing about grades as much as you seem to be.</p>
<p>I feel for you…you are placing too much pressure on yourself and your parents sound like they are not from the US. I have alot of clients (all Asian) that have that same attitude and their kids don’t seem to enjoy learning. They also have no life outside of school, math work sheets given by the parents, Chinese school and music lessons. This is not a healthy life and as an engineering student you need to know how difficult it is to achieve a 4.0 GPA. You should not even be thinking of each and every mark to this extent…it will make you crazy with worry.</p>
<p>When you go to therapy you need to discuss your OCD because these types of things have a way of getting out of control in college. It sounds like your recent obsession is with grades so discuss this openly before you find yourself locked in your room for days at a time studying. A balanced life will make you so much happier. Try to do something about this early in the year. Your parents are not right in there attitude about all work at the expence of your happiness.</p>
<p>You’ll be fine as far as your 4.0 goes. In terms of your mental health you might wanna get that checked out. Talk with your therapist, whether you find it embarrasing or not.</p>
<p>Seriously though, why are you seeing a therapist if you are too embarrassed to talk to him/her about certain things that are troubling you? It’s kind of their job to help you sort out your issues and clearly your OCD is affecting your everyday life.</p>
<p>I had a feeling. Because the only 2 groups I see that are super anal are premeds and asians. Asian premeds are textbook OCD lol.</p>
<p>The GPA is just a number; what it means differs based on the context, etc.</p>
<p>Just be glad that you haven’t failed a class that you genuinely put in your best work and effort for.</p>
<p>I know what OP means. You take an easy test, and you know that this is a rare opportunity to really boost your grade but you blow your chance with some ■■■■■■■■ mistakes and errors.</p>