<p>I've applied to schools like Brown, Williams, Bowdoin, Skidmore, Colby, and Fairfield and I think I'm a pretty good candidate... I have solid test scores, I'm valedictorian, and I've taken the hardest course load I could. This year, however, AP Calc is kicking my butt. For term 1 I got an 85 (which is great for me in that class!) but this term I met get either a high C or a veryyy low B. But it only gets betterL I got a 48 on the midterm exam. My teacher let others stay after for extra time, but I couldn't, so they had an advantage. Since they're already math geniuses, their high scores wouldn't allow for scaling. A 48. I can't believe it. Did I ruin my shot for these schools? Be honest I guess.</p>
<p>Well a C definitely won’t be to your advantage, but it IS in AP Calc, and it IS only one C. If your class rank and cumulative GPA won’t be affected too much or changed at all, then you should be fine. Don’t worry about it too much. Also, I doubt that they’ll see you got a 48 on the midterm. Only the final grade will show up.</p>
<p>It mighttttt end up being a B. And I think the way our transcript is set up allows for colleges to see the midterm.</p>