Bad Senior Year Grades. Rescind?

<p>My 1st semester Senior year grades aren’t to jolly.
I’ve gotten 4 C’s in all my AP Classes. The rest of my 2 classes, I got A’s. in.
I know that these grades are miserable, but I have a legitimate excuse as my mom
lost her job and it was financially hard on the family.
If you look at my Junior 2nd semester grades vs Senior 1st semester grades; there’s a BIG drop. But mind you, I’m doing ALOT better 2nd semester Senior year.
I’m really scared that I might get into UCLA/UCB, but get my offer rescinded as a result
of my 1st semester senior year grades.
Is there anything I can do?</p>

<p>Only inform them and pray for the best i believe the U.C’s conditional accept requiring a 3.0 gpa in the final year.</p>

<p>UCLA/UCB require a 3.0 unweighted GPA senior year if I remember correctly. That’s an average of first and second semester, so you should be fine there.</p>

<p>The other UCs are, again if memory serves, more forgiving in this respect: they require something like a 3.0 WEIGHTED average GPA at most.</p>

<p>Either way, just avoid failing classes and you shouldn’t fear being rescinded.</p>


<p>You need to inform each UC campus of your less than stellar grades and include an explanation. For Berkeley and UCLA, you need a 3.0 unweighted GPA each semester; the fact your GPA dropped below 3.0 means you are required to report it to those campuses. These campuses will consider your situation and make a judgment call on whether to extend the acceptance or revoke it.</p>

<p>The rest of the UCs have slightly different rules; some allow 3.0 weighted and others will average the whole year. You have to call each UC campus to find out whether you need to send a grade report for consideration.</p>

<p>I’m in a similar situation. I took 4 AP’s this year and I got a really bad grade in AP BC Calculus. I got accepted into UC San Diego, but I’m afraid that they will rescind my admission. I talked to an academic counselor about it, and she said that they need to review my entire transcript. What should I do? Also, I have gotten good grades my first seven semesters, and I have taken a total of six honors classes and five AP’s.</p>

<p>When you say “really bad grade,” what exactly does that mean? One C is not going to make difference. D or F grade is more serious and you need to officially notify UCSD and offer an explanation for the bad grade, as well as offer a way to make up the course.</p>