Bad to use all EC spaces?

<p>Hmm. i was wondering about something interesting. like, on the common app, you get 7 spots to put all ur ECs. schools like HYP wanna see the commitment that you have to an EC. well, my 3 main ECs take up about 20 hours a week, but then the other 4 i have listed add up to be only around 10. Ill use most of my energy trying to demonstrate my involvement in my main EC and the two other important ones. For my other 4, id have like significant leadership but overall they dont require much time and theres nowhere for me to even really talk about them.</p>

<p>So this brings up the question, is it bad to use all EC spaces provided? Do you necessarily have to talk about your involvement in each EC you list, or is it fine to do it the way i plan on doing it?</p>

<p>Wow you people love to overanalyze. No, it’s not bad.</p>