<p>I don't even care what side of the abortion debate you're on (or whether you're on it at all!), but you have to agree:</p>
<p>This broad is gross: Yale</a> Daily News - For senior, abortion a medium for art, political discourse</p>
<p>I don't even care what side of the abortion debate you're on (or whether you're on it at all!), but you have to agree:</p>
<p>This broad is gross: Yale</a> Daily News - For senior, abortion a medium for art, political discourse</p>
<p>I recall reading that somewhere before. How disgusting.</p>
<p>"Shvarts declined to specify the number of sperm donors she used, as well as the number of times she inseminated herself. "</p>
<p>pimpin much? </p>
<p>"The display of Schvarts’ project will feature a large cube suspended from the ceiling of a room in the gallery of Green Hall. Schvarts will wrap hundreds of feet of plastic sheeting around this cube; lined between layers of the sheeting will be the blood from Schvarts’ self-induced miscarriages mixed with Vaseline in order to prevent the blood from drying and to extend the blood throughout the plastic sheeting. "</p>
<p>that is disgusting. *** is wrong with this person. im sorry, but that’s just gross. not even the bodies exhibit attempts this .</p>
<p>I appreciate this because it’s fun to see people get riled up.</p>
<p>It’s a now old, and often mangled (heh, by me in this statement it seems) adage about the most efficient way to destroy something beautiful being the elevation of something crappy, but I think it applies here.</p>
<p>Also, this is unrelated (no…no it really isn’t…);</p>
<p>To students AT Yale: How would you describe the politics on campus?</p>
<p>-What’re the general views of students? of professors?
-Is there a slant in one direction or another? How severe is it? Does it hamper real discussion, or does one larger side bash the other?</p>
<p>Also…(this IS unrelated); How are the girls? I was not impressed with my Harvard/Dartmouth visit…</p>
<p>The date on the article is April 17, 2008.</p>
<p>Yeah… this is suuuuuuuuppppppppper old news.</p>
<p>preface to the rest of my comment: I’m a serious social conservative.</p>
<p>You’re misinterpreting her project. Yes, it was gross, but she repeatedly emphasized that it’s meant to be “performance art,” specifically aimed at “riling people up.” You’re playing into her trap. In fact, it was even speculated that the project might be fake (as in, she didn’t really do all the conception and abortion).</p>
<p>Somehow, I think she’s lying in order to provoke a response.</p>
<p>“Schvarts will then project recorded videos onto the four sides of the cube. These videos, captured on a VHS camcorder, will show her experiencing miscarriages in her bathrooom tub, she said. Similar videos will be projected onto the walls of the room.”</p>
<p>I do art. And I do NOT consider that art. To be honest, it’s just disgusting and wrong on so many levels.</p>
<p>I remember reading somewhere that this was a hoax, but I don’t remember the source so who knows…</p>
<p>Thank you for posting this! I went to Yale around when this was all going on (just for a visit) and I have the YDN from the day I was there; there was a very long article about the cancellation of the “Shvarts” project and no one could I find out what that was. </p>
<p>Now I’m appalled and disgusted. (But thank you for posting this because it’s quelled my curiosity from 10 months past!)</p>
<p>[Abortion</a> art at Yale was faked](<a href=“http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/schoolzone/archives/136783.asp]Abortion”>http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/schoolzone/archives/136783.asp)</p>
<p>I’m not riled up, I just think it’s hilarious (in a groooooosssssss) way that someone would put their name and reputation into a project like that.</p>
<p>I mean, come one, how ISN’T it grossly hilarious?</p>
<p>It was confirmed to be fake anyway, if I remember correctly.</p>
<p>that’s sick…</p>
<p>Ok, I guess I’m the only one who thought it was a pretty interesting piece of art.</p>
<p>The sad part is that I’m pro-life.</p>
<p>I mean, I’m not a fan of abortion (however, I don’t think it is within the sphere of government’s business to tell Americans how to live, especially if the motivation is religion.) either, and I’m not for the restriction of free speech, and while cubes and projection art are cool…</p>
<p>Blood from a vagina (real or perceived) is not something anyone wants to see.</p>
<p>I’m not sure I understand the point of this particular piece of art…</p>
<p>Still, it’s none of my business. Or yours, for that matter.</p>
<p>How isn’t it my business?</p>
<p>In all fairness, I’m not the creator of this work of ‘art’ that submitted information to a news service.</p>
<p>I read this in my AP English Lang. class last year and was extremely shocked by it. I really don’t consider that “art” by any means.</p>