Bailey will soon be announced as new UA President

<p>Most already knew this after the article linked last week about his upcoming interview. Anyway here’s a short post made on TI by the son of a current BOT member. This guy is as connected as one could be.</p>

<p>"So good news is that the soon to be announced new president understands the vital role that Alabama football and other sports play in making it a great school. He grew up an Alabama fan which I think is a big plus. I think everyone is really excited about the new guy and hopefully he can continue to build on the momentum we have both on and off the field.</p>

<p>It was a true national search and they really think they got the best guy possible."</p>

<p>Sounds like a winner to me. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Well, I mistakenly had the honor of delivering the “terrible” news to a Frosh mom this weekend.
She told me that she was a Dean at UMKC.
Offering conversation, I told her that Mr. Bailey was a strong candidate for the new UA President position. She nearly choked on her chicken. Oops. Apparently, she was part of the “search committee at UMKC” who hired Bailey. His name is mud around those parts according to her.
Let’s just say, I went to my happy place and enjoyed the smoked chicken in white BBQ sauce at Cypress Inn while she gasped for air after reliving the moment that she heard Bailey was going to be the new hire.
She’s slighted because he left her school shortly after he told “them” that he was NOT interviewing at TT.
I wish him well and continued success for UA. It was a weekend full of polite, respectful, enthusiastic students and families which demonstrates the success UA has achieved under Witt’s vision.</p>


<p>He didn’t leave happily; much of his administration at UMKC fell apart not long before his departure (multiple resignations, messy internal politics). Whose fault that is, I’m not sure, but it’s worth some additional research/asking around. Interestingly enough, much of his admin’s failures came as part of attempts to expand campus (the 52nd street stuff, for those in the area).</p>

By the way, after getting frustrated w/ UMKC SGA (he called them spoiled and entitled in a campus-wide email), he disbanded the whole thing and reorganized. I wonder what he’d do with our mess of a SGA, haha</p>

<p>Sounds like the lady is a little butt hurt that he dared leave UMKC for a bigger gig. I remember similar things said about a certain football coach that moved around a bit until he reached the pinnacle. </p>

<p>In regards to the SGA it’s already been disbanded several times before. The latest due to a completely fabricated story that I’m sure Atlanta on here will tell you all about :-). But just because the machine controls the SGA doesn’t mean it’s a mess. The mess is the apathy from the rest of the student body.</p>


<p>Yup, the Minda Riley story was fishy, to say the least. As for the UA SGA, I’d say it’s a mix of a few incompetent leaders (for some reason, the Machine hasn’t been that good at promoting their better minds lately, but w/e) and that whole feedback loop of ineffectiveness/student apathy.</p>

<p>Here’s the memo that Bailey wrote regarding the UMKC SGA situation- I find it rather promising for Bailey’s administration in general, as it’s more in-depth and open to students than any of Witt’s communications, regardless of topic.</p>

<p>An important message from your Chancellor</p>

<p>A strong, efficient student government that meets the needs of our students is critical to the health of UMKC. While the Student Government Association is an important recommending body, several recent incidents have led me to conclude that the current SGA is dysfunctional and is not representing students on key issues.</p>

<p>Effective today, I am taking the following steps:</p>

<p>I have asked Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Mel Tyler to recommend approximately 25 students to serve on a Chancellor’s Student Advisory Council. This group will help determine the student issues that warrant my attention, such as the affordability and accessibility of higher education. From what you shared with me at the student Town Hall and elsewhere, I expect tuition and parking also to be major topics.</p>

<p>I will no longer give special consideration to the allocation of Student Activity Fees from SGA’s Student Activity Fee Appropriations Committee. Instead, a Special Allocation Committee, recommended by Mel Tyler and chaired by Nhu-Quynh Hoang Tran, will recommend allocation of Student Activity Fees.</p>

<p>I have asked Sofya Galich to represent UMKC at the upcoming meetings of the Intercampus Student Council, Associated Students of the University of Missouri, and the University of Missouri Board of Curators.</p>

<p>The healthy function of a university also depends on shared governance. I am encouraged by the recent increase in student participation in all activities including the Student Government Association and I invite your continued participation.</p>

<p>I am eager to continue working with UMKC students to provide high-quality education at an affordable cost. I am optimistic that, together, we can create an environment in which all students have a voice in their campus experience.</p>

<p>The corruption/incompetency in the SGA is pretty bad, as is evidenced by the past FYC scandal, among other things. But there are some competent leaders, both independents and Greeks. Things would definitely be making strides forward if more students would actually care about elections and vote!!! I always get a bit peeved when I hear people complain about how terrible campus government is, but then they neither vote or get involved in an independent’s campaign. Complaining is fine - as long as you are doing your part to change the situation. Unfortunately, apathy about elections is prominent among the majority of the student population.</p>

<p>Let’s not bring up the Machine, otherwise we will have to disagree. I personally witnessed dirty campaign tactics on behalf of the Machine when I ran as an independent for the SGA. It is not a good thing that this select group of mostly wealthy and all white kids dominates campus politics. By the way, I believe Minda Riley’s “story,” as others have reported other incidents, including being shot at.</p>


<p>I don’t doubt that Minda Riley was harassed by the Machine, but given her dad’s political history, I’m automatically considerably more skeptical.</p>