<p>Hey! First off, I just wanted to introduce myself. I've been mainly lurking around CC for quite a while now, so I thought I should just come out and say hi. Anyway, I'm a rising junior and I was wondering if anyone had any tips on balancing my schedule for the next school year while maintaining straight-A's. </p>
<p>My classes are going to be: AP Eng Lang., CP (college prep) Chemistry, AP US History, Pre-AP Spanish III, AP Psychology, Adv. Algebra (I know. It would probably be better if I was going to be in Pre-Calc, but I at least tried to sign up for honors Algebra II). I'm also thinking about publishing a novel and doing cross country, track, speech, Key Club, Interact, and possibly Academic Decathlon for my extracurriculars. I'm planning on self-studying AP Bio (self-study; any suggestions as to what materials I will need?), SAT II America History, SAT II Math I, SAT II Bio, and the SATs.</p>
<p>Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!</p>
<p>You’re not going to be physically able to do all of those extracurriculars. Try setting up a schedule and see for yourself what would overlap. Drop one or two things and focus on stuff that you want to do in the future (stuff that helps boost your college app depending on what you’re interested in majoring in).</p>
<p>I basically agree with chewydog on this. Let’s see here:</p>
<p>AP English Lang: Sure, why not?
CP Chemistry: Really shouldn’t be that hard…
AP USH: Pretty easy class here; just a bunch of work.
PAP Spanish III: If you like/are good at Spanish, this class will be really easy.
AP Psychology: I hear that this is also a really easy AP.
Adv. Algebra: Probably be better if you could get a harder math class, but oh well.
So you pretty much have a demanding, yet doable senior year schedule.</p>
<p>Publishing a novel: Unless you already wrote it, this will pretty much be your ONLY EC that you’ll ever have time for. And finding a publisher, etc, etc, won’t exactly be easy either.
Cross Country: Time consuming. REALLY time consuming.
Track: Time consuming. Pretty much on par with cross country.
Speech: You’d have to put in a lot of time here too.
Key Club: Pretty doable, I suppose.
Interact: I have no idea what this is, so I can’t say that much.
Academic Decathlon: Once again, time consuming, not to mention difficult.
Self Studying AP Bio: Doable, yet requires a lot of memorization and time.
SAT II USH: Will complement AP USH.
SAT II Math I: Will complement Adv. Algebra.
SAT II Bio: Will complement AP Bio.
SAT I: Will take a bit of time if you want to perform well.</p>
<p>If you really want to pull all of this off successfully, you pretty much have to be up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the entire school year. Drop some stuff here and there; you don’t want to screw up your senior year.</p>