Bama bound accomodations

i have a few questions about the orientation for july 18th 19th for honors students. 1st if you arrive a day early can you stay in the dorms the nigh before orientation? second can your parents stay in the dorm with you? third how big are the dorms exactly? because i am going to the orientation with 5 people, including me. its gonna be me, my parents, and my two little brothers(couldn’t leave them behind because they are too young). can the dorms fit all of us or should we get a hotel?

I THINK I can answer your questions, although I have not been to orientation for 2 years so something may have changed. I went to orientation two times with my sons (2 years apart) and both times we were able to stay in the dorms the night before orientation. (You have to pay for that extra night though, but its a very reasonable amount.) We stayed in two different rooms. Parents are in one tower of Ridgecrest South, and students are in another. My sons were placed with 3 other students who checked in about the same time (you can request known roommates if you want though.) I went alone each time. The first time I had a 4 person suite all to myself. The next time another mom was in with me in another room (on the other side so we each had our own bathroom.)

The dorms are 4 rooms (small), 2 bathrooms, and a small kitchen and common room in the middle. It is definitely big enough for your parents and two brothers (each would have their own room.) However, I believe you pay per person so the cost of the suite might be more than a hotel room. Your parents can figure out what is best. Remember the suite is pretty bare. You have to bring or rent for $10 your linens/towels. There is no tv or anything else.

If your parents get a hotel, you still need to be in the dorms. You could possible just stay though the night of orientation and stay with your family in the hotel the night before… that would be up to you. (However, 5 in a 2 bedroom hotel room is tight… I know we have five in our family… so you might want to stay in the dorms anyways.)

There is a children/youth program that your brothers can sign up for (you have to pay) to keep them busy when you are in orientation. I have no experience with this, but I have heard the kids have a lot of fun. There might be an age requirement.

Hope you have fun at bama bound.

thank you thats a relief to hear.

The dorms could accommodate all of you (the 4 members of your family will fit in one dorm room, and you will be in another, as students and parents do not stay together). However, for the price of 4 people in a dorm room, your family might be better off and more comfortable at a hotel. I stayed in the dorms, and it was fine (except that the mattress was in serious need of a topper - one of the valuable things I learned at Bama Bound), but I was alone. Had my husband or any other kids come along, we would have opted for a hotel.

I believe they are $38/night for 1 bedroom and $130/night for a 4 bedroom. The student gets 1 night free as a part of the fee they paid for orientation. But everything else beyond that night would need to be paid. Students extra nights get charged the the students account. While parents pay with credit cards at the time of check in. Parents and siblings rooms come with linens while student rooms do not. Linens are available for students for $10. I recommend bringing your own pillow since the one provided is not the best. Most large families are more comfortable at hotels but the dorm is still an option.

For the four family members, other than the student, they’d be paying… 4 X $38 per night…since each person is charged a room rate.

@abarrie I sent you a PM

The sibling program is for HS students. What age are your brothers?

“If the Bama Bound student has a sibling that is a high school rising freshman through rising senior, then we invite them to attend the Bama Bound Sibling Orientation Program at the time that their brother or sister is attending Bama Bound Orientation at UA.”

Your family could easily stay at a hotel; you are the only one who needs to actually attend the Bama Bound session.

My son attended the session while DH and I stayed at a hotel and toured the campus/area on our own. If your siblings our younger, they might enjoy that more and be easier on everyone.

Thanks for all your help guys. I called the university and they send that they would be able to accommodate all of us. My parents decided to stay on campus. Looking forward to it!!