Bama Bound and Choosing Classes?!

<p>I’ve been reading all the threads about Bama Bound, what to expect, how to prepare, etc. </p>

<p>One thing I do not understand is how to know what classes to plan out? Everyone is saying to have what classes you want all lined up and ready to go, with back up plans just in case. </p>

<p>I know that the classes offered for fall are on the internet somewhere and that you can check RMP for professors (with a grain of salt, yes). The thing is… where do I start!? </p>

<p>I am a public relations major, with a minor in business or French (not sure which, or both?) and incoming freshman, obviously.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help CC :)</p>

<p>Will you be coming to UA with any AP, dual enrollment or college credit?</p>

<p>Yes, I have courses from a community college in my city that offers dual enrollment with my hs. CC courses on the left, what they correlate to at UA on the right. This is information directly from UA, so it is credible. </p>

<p>FLF 241 (Intermediate French I)= FR 201 + 197(1hour)
FLF 242 (Intermediate French II)= FR 202 + 197(1 hour)
ENG 105 (Composition I) = EN 101
ENG 106 (Compostion II) = EN 102
BCA 179 (Powerpoint Multimedia) = CS 197
BCA 213 (Intermediate Computer Business Apps) = CS 197</p>

<p>I also am taking AP Psych and AP Stat this year. AP Psych I will most definitely get above a 3, so that will transfer. Stat, I’m hoping and working hard for! We’ll see though.</p>

<p>Start here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>modify as necessary depending on credits you have and to add courses toward a minor (very beneficial if you can locate courses toward a minor that count towards core requirements)</p>

<p>to find class schedules, go to MyBama and click on Look up classes.</p>

<p>My son has also found the Degree Works helpful</p>

<p>Log into MyBama, go to the Student Tab, center of page halfway down will be DegreeWorks, click and then go to the Planner tab.</p>

<p>If you have already sent your dual CC courses to Bama, then it will show up on the DegreeWorks and items like Freshmen English will be checked off.</p>

<p>For class schedules – on MyBama, go to the Academics tab, left side Class Schedule, then choose Fall 2013.</p>

<p>It is my understanding that MyBama is easily customized, however, my son has done nothing yet and his reflects default settings.</p>

<p>Start by contacting your community college to ave your transcript sent to Bama.
You are probably taking AP tests this week or next, so wait until these scores are in to contact the college board. If you have all AP scores sent at one time it is cheaper. This will probably not be until the end of summer. So your Keep these classes in mind when looking at degree works page.</p>

<p>It sounds like you have met all your English requirements
And Computer requirements
stats is a computer elective (I think).
Psychology is a Behavioral Science and will count as 3 credits toward your core.</p>

<p>I don’t know how to attach a link so google…
University of alabama core curriculum course list.
It will take you to a list of all classes that meet each core requirement.</p>

<p>You can start working on finding classes in History, Lit, humanities, fine arts, Math and Science.</p>

<p>Find about 5-6 classes that meet core requirements that you are satisfied with. Then go to mybama, home tab, click “look up classes” to find their scheduled time.
Write these down and start playing with what you would like for your schedule.
I would have about 3 possible schedules at Bama bound. Sometimes you won’t be able to get your first choice.
Each class has a CRN number (in blue). This is what you will need to register at Bama Bound.
They will have group advising sessions, but yes it s much better to know what you would like to register for if possible.</p>

<p>Also check you Public relations major to see if any of the required 100 level courses will also count toward your core. I glanced quickly, and didn’t see any but it is always great if you can count a class toward more than one requirement.
It looks like MC 101 would be a good start toward your major.
possibly JN 150?</p>

<p>I think it is a good idea to go ahead and get your math requirement during the first year. Placement is based on act/sat test score or online placement exam.</p>

<p>Concentrate on meeting core requirements. They will apply to any major and give you time to learn the system. First semester is overwhelming for registration, it gets easier.</p>

<p>Try COM 123 to mert Humanities core!</p>

<p>Ok one last thought.
MC 101 is listed as pre-majore requirement.
I would go ahead and get that one if possible.</p>

<p>I help my son by doing a cut from the bama site and a paste the info into Excel and separate with a few blank rows between all sections of a given course. Then I know what all the options are for each class. The options to pick from I derive from the flowchart issued by his department (Engineering in this case). I do this because (in my opinion) the bama site for navigating the classes and sections offered is cumbersome at best.</p>

<p>With that info compiled, I then start looking at the days of the week and start/end times of the classes and begin populating them into a weekly schedule in a Word template I made. By doing this I can see how the classes are going to fall and where the conflicts are.</p>

<p>I try to have 2 or even 3 completely different schedule versions created of the same classes using different combinations of sections. This avoids the inevitability of a single class filling to capacity and you seeing your best of intentions fall apart before your very eyes.</p>

<p>I’d make a special note of the CRN # for each class. By doing all this legwork up front, when your registration window opens (be it at Bama Bound or thereafter) you then can literally register for all your classes inside of 5 minutes and stress-free to boot. Nothing is worse than scrambling around while your window has first opened and you are trying to find some alternative that will fit and not create a cascading set of conflicts.</p>

<p>Perhaps overly complicated for most, but it works well for us.</p>

<p>My son will be attending the Honors Bama Bound session in July. He’s an engineering major. </p>

<p>Could someone direct me to the engineering “flow chart” I’ve been reading about to help with choosing classes? Thanks!</p>

<p>What is the Engineering discipline?</p>

<p>Here is the Aero chart link <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>and Mechanical <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Looking at that chart, it appears that ENGR 131 and ENGR 141 are not present as they are here: [Department</a> of Mechanical Engineering < The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Department”> . I was interested in the ENGR 142 class but I no longer see it on the honors college website. Do you know if they replaced this sequence with ENGR 103?</p>