Bama bound dates are up!

<p>[Dates</a> - Bama Bound Orientation - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Dates”></p>

<p>I think we are going to the first honors session. Anyone else?</p>

<p>DS doesn’t graduate until 5/29, and is out-of-town for the July honors session, so I guess we will have to go to a non-honors one. :(</p>

<p>Thanks for the info :).</p>

<p>5/29 is early for graduation, kjcphmom. DS doesn’t graduate until June 24th! I am leaning towards the second honors session, but need to coordinate with the rest of the family.</p>

<p>Yikes, the ball is really rolling now! They’ll be gone before we know it…</p>

<p>Looks like there are TWO July Honors sessions…July 7-8…and July 21-22</p>

<p>NC Mom We are going to do our best to take DS to the First honors Bama Bound also. 27&28th. Here we come. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We’ll be there on June 2nd and 3rd - between graduation and DD’s senior trip.</p>

<p>We are hoping to take DS to the first honors BB as well. He graduates May 17th so that should work out well.</p>

<p>Does one have to go fairly early on in order to get a good schedule?</p>

<p>UA releases more seats in popualr freshman classes throughout the summer. For those planning to take courses which are 200/300/400-level, most upperclassmen will have already registered by the start of the first Bama Bound, so the remaining seats will be open to all incoming freshmen and those upperclassmen who wish to change their schedules.</p>

<p>One common misconception is that one can’t switch their course schedule after they leave the course registration session at the end of Bama Bound. In reality, one can switch courses as many times they want until a couple days into the semester. Many students end up taking only one or two, if any, of the courses they originally signed up for at Bama Bound as they switched into some other courses after Bama Bound.</p>

<p>To make registration easier and to help get your fist choice classes, look at course listing beforehand and create a few possible schedules. Write down the CRN for the specific course sections you want and during registration you can simply enter the CRNs and register for courses without having to search for them again.</p>

<p>One helpful tip when searching for courses on myBama is to use the advanced search function displayed when one can first choose which course subjects to search. This allows one to see all courses offered in a specific subject, see all courses which meet a specific core curriculum requirement, etc.</p>

<p>So, as long as we’re taking intro classes, we shouldn’t be too bad off? Like, if I’m an honors student wanting to major in something popular like political science, I can register in early July and still get good placement (ie, no classes before 8am)? Or is it worth it to miss school to get a better registration spot?</p>

<p>If you’re taking mainly 200/300 courses - how does this work? Is it possible that you will not get a seat at all if you attend a late session, or does it just mean you will have to be less picky about class times?</p>

<p>Anyone else planning on the first honors session in May. Planning to dd then</p>

<p>We’ll be there</p>

<p>Almostlimitless, my son needed to take some 200 and 300 classes his freshman fall semester and did have a
hard time getting some of the classes he wanted because sophomores and juniors already had filled many of the seats. He also had a difficult time because he had three 1 credit classes he needed to take for engineering which caused time scheduling problems. He ended up with only 13 credit hours his first semester. HOWEVER since then those engineering classes have been combined into one 3 hour course, which makes scheduling easier. Plus, my son didn’t take the initiative to “play” with his schedule after Bama Bound (too afraid to lose a class I think). I think if he would have checked the schedule and tried harder, he probably would have gotten a “better” schedule with the classes he needed. It all worked out and since that semester has gotten every class he wanted. (Being an honor student helped with that.)</p>

<p>We will be there in July. OOS 800 miles away and HS grad not until mid June. If its like when S went to WVU they opened up new sections for they later sessions. Often with more convenient class times.</p>

<p>Sometimes they offer more sections later if their original estimates were wrong.</p>

<p>USUALLY, what Bama does is slowly release more SEATS for each section for each Bama Bound.</p>

<p>So, if a particular class has 10 sections…and each section only has 25 seats, then only a few seats would release for EACH section for EACH Bama Bound. </p>

<p>FYI…for Frosh Comp, there are about 160 sections, each with about 25 seats. </p>

<p>how concerning is it for getting a seat in upper level classes? I am thinking classes like Electricity and Magnetism or Electromagnetics? Would those types of courses be full during freshman orientation?</p>

<p>Even if an upper division class is full, the individual department has the ability to override students into the class until the room reaches maximum capacity as determined by the fire marshal. The individual departments work hard to make sure that students get the classes they need. Looking at Fall 2013 class sizes, there were open seats in every upper division lecture or lab section offered by the Physics department.</p>