BAMA Bound: May 31

<p>Is anybody else going down for BAMA Bound on May 31/June 1? My D, her boyfriend, and other good friend are all registered for that session.</p>

<p>Friend’s mom and I are also going. Boyfriend will likely not have a parent going with him, so he’ll just ride down with us. I decided to stay in the dorm to have an opportunity to meet some other parents.</p>

<p>Hi BAMAMom! My D will be attending that session also. I think I will be going, but my H is worried I may ditch some of the parent orientation, so he might want to go. He knows me so well! You are a good sport to stay in the dorms. I have already made hotel reservations.</p>

<p>D and I are attending as well! She is staying in the dorm and I am staying in a hotel.</p>

<p>DH, DD and I will be bringing DS for BamaBound then, as well. DD is just barely too young for the sibling activities, so she will be at the parent sessions with us. DS is in a dorm, and the three of us will be at a hotel.</p>

<p>I’ll be there. BAMAMom2Be, your daughter wouldn’t happen to be a CBH finalist, would she?</p>

<p>I’ll be there with my dad. I’ll be in a dorm, but he’ll be in a hotel.</p>

<p>Just signed up for 5/31-6/1 Bama Bound. :slight_smile: DS will stay in dorms; the rest of us will be in a motel/hotel. DH and I will do Parent Orientation. Younger S wants to do sibling orientation, so we signed him up. Gotta work on his table manners between now and then. (We don’t call him “Paul the Barbarian” for nuthin’.)</p>

<p>altosaxgeek5, no she didn’t make the first round of interviews for CBHP. She indicated that she’s still interested in the opportunity, in case some of the first round students don’t accept or choose to attend another school. So we’re still hoping!</p>

<p>My youngest will be at this Bama Bound. He will be staying in the dorm on Monday, 5/30th. I spoke to Housing on Friday. I was assured someone will be on duty until 8PM for Monday arrivals. He will head home Weds. afternoon because his Graduation practice is the following day. </p>

<p>I may send my son down to Alabama the weekend before BB. As of now, my rising senior plans on staying for summer research. He has not secured his summer housing but I trust all will work out.</p>

<p>We are flying in from Maine on Sunday 5/29. Was the best flight times and prices and figure we can get some R/R in before orientation starts on Tuesday. DS is staying at the dorms Monday and Tuesday (with us on Sunday) and the rest of us (Dad, Mom and Sis) are staying at the Wingate in Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>My wife and daughter can’t wait to visit the campus. They stayed home when we visited in December.</p>

<p>^ I’m sure I speak for the others here from previous years when I say we are so excited for you guys! We came home so pumped from Bama Bound!</p>

<p>I second AL34’s sentiments. I know this is an exciting time for many of you and I’m happy that you all chose to attend UA. I remember my excitement when I opened my acceptance letter and I can still see my lil bro running screaming around the house when he opened his a year and a half ago.</p>

<p>It doesn’t seem possible that it’s been a year already since lil bro was going through room assignment and Bama Bound. And it really doesn’t seem possible that it’s been 21 years since I went through my freshman orientation at UA.</p>

<p>Enjoy the process and don’t stress the small stuff. Any problem can and will get worked out. Have fun and Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Just curious, son will be attending Bama Bound May 31st, arriving May30th as we are OOS. He is planning to go alone but after getting orientation schedule I’m wondering if we should also be attending.</p>

<p>Signal, there is nothing you (parents) need to do at Bama Bound. If you haven’t seen the campus or you would like info on certain things then by all means attend the parent session. But your son will be perfectly fine attending BB by himself. </p>

<p>Usually the only issue is transportation to and from campus. If he’s driving then no problem. If he’s flying in then he’ll need to find a way to get from the airport to campus and vice versa.</p>

<p>Thanks, husband is alumni and we have already visited so we thought we’d save hotel expenses.</p>

<p>^^^^^I would suggest that at least one parent go to Bama Bound. There are many good meetings for parents. I found the one about health services to be very informative and my husband attended the security session. We were able to ask many questions and get firsthand answers.</p>

<p>We’re booked at the Wingate for Bama Bound. Woo-hoooo—now this all seems REAL!</p>

<p>We are at the Wingate as well. Have only stayed there once but we were very happy with it. Hopefully we will be checking in by 6 or 7 Sunday, May 29th and then off for dinner.</p>

<p>We made our reservations today. Our son will be staying in the dorms with the other incoming freshman, and my wife and I booked one of the two bedroom options in the dorms because it seems easier to just stay on the campus and will give us more time to explore. Looking forward to meeting some of the other parents and incoming freshman.</p>

<p>DD and I are signed up for this session as well. We both are in the dorm although my mom and sister are making a trip to Alabama to check in on my mother’s childhood home nearby so I might ditch the dorm for the really old house with suspect plumbing. Good news is the plumbing is indoors!</p>