Bama Bound question

<p>During the one and a half day Bama Bound sessions, how much of the itinerary do the parents attend. I am bringing my daughter already attending college at another institution but would like to walk around and tour with her while Bama Bound is in session, or are most of the itinerary attended by parents also?</p>

<p>The intinerary is a mixed one. At some points, students and parents are together. At other points there are parent meetings and there are student meetings.</p>

<p>Are you setting up a campus tour for you and other D? If so, try for an afternoon one. i would because it’s too hot in the summer just to be walking around.</p>

<p>are you arriving a day early? At what point will you be leaving T-town?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Parent’s don’t have to attend Bama Bound at all so you’re free to not go to any part of the itinerary that doesn’t interest you. But I’d say the “avanti group meeting” and the “college & school visit” sessions would be your best bets at alone time on day 1 to tour the campus.</p>

<p>Terry, I signed my wife and I up for BB today. The biggest turnoff is the cost ($135 for both parents to attend). I suspect we’ll do the things that appeal to us and beg out of the stuff that doesn’t. At thsi point, I have no idea what falls into which category. Guess I’ll just fly by the seat of my pants (as I do with everything else in my lfe).</p>

<p>Slippy, I was a little surprised at the cost too. I guess this is one of the “unexpected expenses” to go to UA as an out-of-state student and parent. For transportation, orientation costs, staying at the dorms etc. it will cost us $1000 without adding spending money. I could have chosen not to go, but I have not seen the campus yet, and I am looking forward to the parent orientation as well as checking out the dorms and campus. Student/parent orientation with S1 at another university made me fall in love with it and also made me feel more comfortable when dropping S1 6 hours away so I know the cost will be worth it. Does anyone know if sheets are included at Bama Bound or if my student and I will have to pay to rent them?</p>

<p>kjcphmom - linens for adults are provided but students need to bring (or rent) their linens</p>

<p>Sheets are included in the cost for parents. Students may request sheets, but they are NOT included unless things have changed from last year. Some students brought sleeping bags to use last year on their beds.</p>

<p>I understand the concern for costs, but I think you’ll find they are in line with other schools. There are many costs associated with BB that have to be covered somehow…labor of workers, materials, food, snacks, cleaning, etc.</p>

<p>Sorry, our posts must have crossed in posting.</p>

<p>I am sure the costs are in-line with other universities…I know flying to Alabama is really where the costs added up. Thank you for letting me know about the sheets. I will make sure S has money to get some there as I don’t think we’ll have room in our carry-on bags.</p>

<p>I know you will LOVE the campus and I hope you and your family have a wonderful time! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Do we just rent the linens on arrival or do they need advance notice?</p>

<p>Last year they had them available at the desk without reservations, but you may also be able to reserve them. It might be worth checking.:)</p>

<p>Wife and I are staying at a hotel. I did the dorm thin 25 years ago. No need to go back. ;-)</p>

<p>Should I be expecting my own itinerary as a parent for Bama Bound, or do I just do what everyone else is doing? Was that a dumb question?</p>

<p>Busymom- I haven’t received it via email but there is a tentative schedule posted on UA’s website: [Student</a> Affairs | Parent Programs](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Which session are you attending?</p>

<p>Take a look at the itinerary online as suggested above. I don’t know about receiving one by email, but you will receive a bag with lots of information and an itinerary at BB. There will be general forums and then smaller forums at different times depending on your student’s major and interests. Parents are essentially free to attend as much or as little as they wish. You’ll likely find some sections more pertinent and helpful than others. Have fun!</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone!</p>

<p>I wanted to pass along a tip for those who have siblings attending the BB sibling orientation. Since the sibling orientation consists of lots of outdoor activities, you’ll want to be sure to talk to your child about staying hydrated and send him/her off with at least one water bottle. I’m not sure if it was an oversight on the part of the student leaders or what, but the kids hiked all over campus doing a scavenger hunt last year without water until breaking for lunch. Fortunately, mine had taken two bottles each in a small backpack. I’m sure someone must have forgotten about this somewhere along the way because the UA is a gracious host and the students and parents are supplied with water and snacks throughout the day. The heat, humidity, and activity level can quickly result in dehydration with some serious issues if one is not prepared. Hopefully someone will realize this oversight, or maybe I’ll call and bring it to their attention. Anyway, it is a good idea to stress the importance of staying hydrated with your entering freshman also as they come to campus in August.</p>


<p>And bring BIG NUMBER SPF Sunblock…and reapply!!!</p>

<p>We just today received a 3-page PDF attachment to an email ‘detailing’ BB parent itinerary for May 29-30. (Oh, and included was a parking pass.)<br>
I say ‘detailing’ in quotes, because times are not listed for the various sessions - I don’t know if they are drop in, follow a set schedule (yet to be determined), or what. I’m going to go to everything, just so I can say I checked the boxes. I’m going to take a big giant step back and let the process take me, instead of the other way around. I’m going to treat this like the mini-vacation it is from the stresses of organising all the end of year stuff, like Fried Brain thread detailed in such comedic fashion. I do plan to remember to wear my shoes, tho…</p>

<p>It won’t be drop in, but parents are free to attend whatever portions they wish. If you get bored, drive down University Boulevard toward Alberta City and visit Summer Snow for a cool treat, sort of a mix between an slushee and a snow cone.</p>