Bama Bound Question!

<p>Hello! I have come across yet another question that I’m wondering about aha.
Does my high school transcript need to be sent and processed at UA before Bama Bound? I signed up for the first session, but the first session is only a few days after my graduation, and I doubt that my transcripts will be sent and added to their system in that time. </p>

<p>Will this affect my registration during Orientation? I’ll actually know my grades by the second week of May, but I don’t graduate for another two weeks later and then Bama Bound is a few days later. I’ve taken a lot of dual-enrollment credits, which is why I was trying to get an earlier registration. </p>

<p>However, I was wondering if it would be best to go to one maybe in June, after they have my transcripts? Or is it okay to go without them processed and have a copy of them myself?</p>

<p>Thank you so much if you can help!!</p>

<p>Some students attend Bama Bound before they graduate high school. As long as your final high school transcript gets to UA before you move into on-campus housing in the fall, you’ll be fine. Register for classes based on you passing all the classes and exams. You can change your schedule throughout the summer once you attend Bama Bound.</p>

<p>Take copies (unofficial is fine) of whatever transcripts and lists of courses you have and bring these to your BB registration. Sometimes certain classes require that you get an override at BB, or get permission to reg from an advisor, because there may be prerequisites. These overrides are never a problem, and if you are organised, it is helpful to the BB advisors to process these overrides quicker. </p>

<p>And for those reading here, who are doubtful about passing or receiving high enough AP scores, it would be wise to have contingency plans! If you do not receive the grade/score you require, you will then need to go back and re-register for the lower class (or prereq class). This responsibility is on you. UA might not catch this until the beginning of the school year, which is kind of late to be re-doing your schedule - remember, you have all summer to adjust your schedule according to the credits/grades that you did ultimately earn/receive.</p>

<p>My D attended BB a week or so before she graduated from high school, so she had no transcripts and it wasn’t an issue. She hadn’t sent the AP results she already had, and she didn’t bring the transcript from the CC where she took Calculus. It wasn’t a problem - the advisors took her at her word about those classes and allowed her to register assuming she had already taken Calc and the AP classes (including the senior year APs for which she didn’t have scores yet). Of course, had she not gotten the required scores or had she not sent transcripts for the college courses, she would have been dropped from courses for which she didn’t have prerequisites prior to the fall semester starting. But it wasn’t an issue as far as registering for classes was concerned.</p>

<p>Thank you all so much! That is great to know. I will have all my prereqs done before Fall classes begin, one which will be in the summer, so I will just bring an unofficial copy of my transcripts and registration for the last prereq I’ll be completing, since I should have those available. Thanks again!!</p>