Bama Bound registration opens at midnight tonight

<p>Students gathering in the game room could be the start of a great social event. When they were younger we used to say when there were a bunch of boys together, just give them a bat and a ball and they will have fun. Has changed a bit since on what the props might be, but with college freshmen I think the same logic would apply…</p>

<p>tjmom, wow, that is amazing - that week will be so special for you!!..</p>

<p>I was just digging around on mybama, saw where once our students are registered for a Bama Bound session, we can (should?) submit a photo to be used for their Alabama Action card, which will be picked up day 1 of Bama Bound.</p>

<p>So if the kids are going to get together on Monday night in the game room, should we plan on the kids bringing some games? My son has Cards Against Humanity (at the suggestion of someone on CC) but is that too depraved for a getting to know you event? He could bring the much more benign Apples to Apples.</p>



<p>Last year, we paid the enrollment and housing deposit in October, long before my D made a final decision, but I was not willing to sign her up for orientation until she’d made a decision. That happened in March, and she had no problem getting into her first choice BB session (which was the first 2-day honors session, right after Memorial Day) at that point. That said, I have no idea when the sessions start filling up.</p>

<p>Last year kids gathered in the game room. My D brought a regular deck of cards. There was a video game system there. I don’t know if UA provided it or if one of the kids brought it. If a future roommate is arriving for Bama Bound on the same day and they check in together that day, they can room together for those days.</p>

<p>If my DH arrives with me, do I have to room with him? ;-). Lol</p>

<p>No video game system when S attended last year, so I would assume that was brought by a student. There are game tables avaible (Foosball, ping pong, pool). Cards, dice, red solo cups (kidding!) - something small that everyone knows and is easy to play would be good to bring. </p>

<p>Last year on that night before the program began, a few of us parents handed our kids money for dinner and told them they were on their own to get themselves fed. Forced them to get off campus and walk around and to interact with each other.</p>

OMG yes ROOM MATES…that wasn’t a Freudian slip. I know I’m a little ahead of the curve here but I’m not trying to marry him off yet. We are still trying to get past orientation.</p>

<p>Thank you CC!!! Glad I checked on her before running out the door to the airport. YIKERS!<br>
We are checked in for D to be in the dorm for the 6th session. Parents and sibling orientation sessions as well. </p>

<p>Yes TXArchitect, there goes that fancy high dollar prom dress. LOL! Maybe our girls need to bring their other formals to T-Town this month for Preview and do a dress exchange :)<br>
Anyway, heading your way in a few hours. H-Town for the weekend for a cheer competition. yippie…</p>

<p>TJMom - My husband and I met on his first day of college in calculus class. While I’m not ready to marry my oldest son off yet. I do hope he meets the right girl sooner rather than later.
I registered him for the second honors session. :)</p>

<p>I just ran into this thread, and quickly registered DD for May 28-29. Reading through, it seems there will be a lot of CCer’s at that session.</p>

<p>I only requested housing for DD on the 28th (we will be coming down very late on the 27th, so we will stay in my hotel room that night). Do you think she will miss that much bonding time with this plan? </p>

<p>DD found out she is in the running for the Presidential Scholarship at Georgia Tech (just had her interview this past weekend), so you can imagine the wrench that is putting in to what was pretty much a done deal for DD. DH is a GT alum, so he is putting alot of pressure on DD to think hard about GT. With only 50 PS selected out of 523 candidates, I am staying focusing on DD’s original plan for UA.</p>

<p>It is wonderful to " hear" the excitement in all of your voices, excited for yourselves, your students, for their future. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>A great place for a parent meet and greet is at the Capstone Hotel Restaurant (and bar). You really don’t have to eat there (food is okay, but you will find better in T-Town) but you could order apps or just beverages (adult included). It is comfy and quiet, good to sit and talk and they won’t kick you out if you don’t eat (lol). Their sweet tea is good but the bartender makes a great cocktail. Also, the Dreamland Restaurant in Northport is a good place to meet and eat BBQ, it is open and airy with plenty of seating. I like FullMoon BBQ better, but I think it is too busy to provide seating for a group and there is no table waitress service, you get on line to order at the counter.</p>

<p>MereMom - Congrats on the GT scholarship. Good choices for your DD. DS got accepted to GT . DH thinks he will end up going there. DS isn’t sure so I’m moving ahead with UA. </p>

<p>I should have asked DH which session to choose. I had registered for 2nd honors. Just changed it to first.:)</p>

<p>We are attending the 4th (last) Honor session. We had booked S his senior trip over the Memorial Day week, so that eliminates Sessions 1 and 2. Session 3 is when DH is away at a conference and he wants to do the parent orientation. Looks like we will be in Bama during the heat of summer - oh goodie. That is unless, S wants to postpone his senior trip.</p>

<p>None of the honors dates work for DS.</p>

<p>What is the difference between the Honors and Regular?</p>

<p>I think he may need to do a late July regular date.</p>

<p>Thanks, MG. It was quite a surprise. She had been accepted a few months ago, but the COA for an OOS is so high that we as a family agreed it might not be the right choice based on cost. Besides cost, we all loved UA’s “vibe” and size, the school spirit and wide range of opportunities. I still believe she is going to UA.</p>

<p>We should find a way for all of us on thread to figure out who is going when so that “meet ups” could happen in real life, not just here on CC. I’d love a chance to put a face to all the great future UA parents.</p>

<p>I thought it might be a good idea to start a list of attendees for each session. That way, anyone wishing to take advantage of the opportunity to meet CC friends during BB can make arrangements to do.</p>

<p>May 27 -
May 28-29 - Meremom, MichiganGeorgia
May 30-31
June 3-4
June 5-6
June 10-11
June 12-13
June 17-18
June 19-20
June 21
July 2
July 8-9
July 10-11
July 15-16
July 17-18
July 22-23
July 24-25
July 29-30
July 31-Aug 1
Aug 16
Aug 19</p>

<p>Thanks - the Mothership would be proud of your initiative, MereMom: this will be a great way to see who all is going, when.</p>

<p>I registered this morning and will be there from June 4-June 7 for the June 5-6 session. So so so so so excited! I may be flying solo for the first time…not sure on that aspect yet. Very excited though.</p>

<p>May 27 -
May 28-29 - Meremom, MichiganGeorgia, NYBama
May 30-31
June 3-4
June 5-6
June 10-11
June 12-13
June 17-18
June 19-20
June 21
July 2
July 8-9
July 10-11
July 15-16
July 17-18
July 22-23
July 24-25
July 29-30
July 31-Aug 1
Aug 16
Aug 19</p>