Bama Bound transportation to/from UA and airport

I’m signed up for Bama Bound May 31-June 1 and I’m staying an extra night before and after since I’m flying in from Wisconsin. The only issue I have is transportation to and from the airport and UA. I’m going by myself without a parent, so I can’t rent a car. I called UA to see if they had any recommendations, but the only thing I got was Birmingham Door to Door, which would cost me $160 round trip. Is there any better option other than a combination of public bussing and Greyhound - I’d be running through Birmingham to get to the right places in time.

I tried posting in the UA class of 2020 Facebook group to see about carpooling or anything, but nobody has replied.

There is a UA rideshare page on Facebook and students use it constantly to get back and forth from Birmingham airport. I will send you a PM.

There is also a class of 2020 Parents FB group. Maybe one of your parents could join and see if there’s another family flying in and renting a car to go to BB, or passing through the Birmingham area at the right time. The UA parents tend to be very helpful.

If you’re 18 you can rent a car from select companies with a surcharge. If it’s just a couple days, surcharge shouldn’t matter.

My son has had very good luck with the FB ride share, and if you get on the ‘right’ FB group (there are a couple groups), the administrator there really runs a tight ship and it is clutter-free and is very helpful. There are people who go every day between the two cities, and I’m sure you will be able to find a ride. As we get closer to May, be sure to bump this thread by re-posting, @andyjs, because more and more BamaBound CC’rs will be reading here and could offer you a ride.

Thanks for the tips everyone, I’ll look into all the options suggested. Ride share looks like the most likely option right now.

I have to bump this thread because I’m having the same issue. Does anyone have any recommendations besides ride sharing?
So far Amtrak is the only option I’ve found.

If you can rent a car, I would do that. You can leave when you need to or want to. We rented one from Dollar Rent a car once we flew in from B-Ham and it only cost us $28 for 4 days. Not sure what surcharge would cost you but I am guessing still cheaper.

My daughter is graduating this year and we have always used Tony’s On-Time Transportation. Tony is a great guy. You can Google him and he’s also on Facebook, tell him that Paige sent you.