Bama Bound

<p>I’m currently signed up for the early honors Bama Bound session (May 16), because it’s the only honors one I can do. However, I read a thread on here where someone recommended not doing that session if you’re coming from out of state, because it’s only one day and doesn’t have the social activities and night in the dorms like the other ones. I would definitely like these activities and a chance to meet people, but meeting people isn’t a huge concern of mine – I’m really close with my three suitemates already and have met a few others through Facebook and such. How do you all think the benefits of doing an honors session and getting the first class selection weigh against the advantages of having the social activities at night and spending a night in the dorm?</p>

<p>I’m also wondering specifically, a) Can a student spend the night before in the dorms if they’re doing the one day session?, and b) Are there any sort of opportunities to specifically meet other honors kids during the regular sessions, or is it up to each student to connect with others who are in honors if they attend a non-honors session?</p>

<p>Shameless bump.</p>


<p>Our son is OOS and registered for Bamabound during the first non-honors session. In Texas if he misses more than one day to attend college bound activities you are penalized by it counting as an absence. After just a few absences, you have to take finals. He used his day for CBH interviews and the others were gone due to flu. Our graduation dates in Texas were moved to the first week of June.</p>

<p>I was concerned that he wouldn’t have class availability, that the honors classes would be full, or wouldn’t be meeting other honors students, etc. Lots of the same concerns you stated in your post. </p>

<p>Anyway, I contacted Ms. Batson and she really put my fears to rest. So for what its worth, our honors son will be one of several others who are in the regular sessions. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>My son, too. We are also in Texas, and he graduates June 11. I am a teacher and it would just be too rushed to try to get him there for the honors session.</p>

<p>Thank you both! I also don’t graduate until June (6th), so while I could potentially squeeze in Bama Bound between AP exams and finals, it doesn’t really seem worth it. I’m glad to know there are other honors kids doing the same thing as me!</p>


<p>For every session of Bama Bound they release class spots. So students who attend a session at the end or middle have the same chance to get a class as those attending a early Bama Bound session.</p>

<p>My D came home after Bama Bound and changed her schedule twice . If something was not available one week it maybe the next. My point being even after attending Bama Bound nothing schedule wise is set in stone (unless you want it to be!)</p>

<p>Enjoy your trip to Bama Bound; my D still keeps in touch and hangs with her Bama Bound buddies! 2 years later!</p>

<p>Because of AP exams, a national academic tournament, finals and graduation (along with the fact that I also teach), my son did not attend Bama Bound until late June two years ago. It did not affect his course selection. He also changed his schedule - once after speaking with his adviser and another time when he got home.</p>