Bama Bound

Right now I am signed up for the third honors session of Bama Bound (taking place in late June) as the first two take place while I am still in school. I am a little nervous that I won’t be able to get the classes/honors classes that I would like. Should I try and take time off of school to attend an earlier honors Bama Bound, or will I be ok with my later session? Would it even be possible to change my session date this late?

Seats are released throughout the summer. I think you’re fine. Also, you will find seats open as students adjust their schedules. Again, you’re probably fine.

The issue of not finding courses typically arises when one is taking 200 level courses or above as an incoming freshman. June is still early enough in the summer that a lot of courses will still be available and you’ll still have all of July and much of August to change your schedule.

If you are able to miss a couple days of school, that would work well, but isn’t overly necessary. Flights might be cheaper then as well. AP exams will be over by then.

I went to bama bound in early july and was able to get all the classes I wanted and all the professors and everything. Just make sure you come in with a pre made schedule using schedule builder. You can send it to your cart and then when registration opens you can click one button and be done. I was able to even sign up for some 200 level classes and everything. You will be able to change your schedule throughout the summer but recently they changed it so that you can’t change it during other bama bounds to let those students register first. So just come prepared and you’ll be fine.