Bama for a black girl?

<p>I know this is very stereotypical but…hows Bama for Blacks? Is it open and welcoming? As a black girl from CA, I’m used to alot of diversity, will I find that at Bama? Can I join a white sorority? Is interracial dating frowned upon? Sorry for the stupid questions, but I’m curious, I really like Bama and I’ve already applied, I just want to make sure it’s an open environment. Thanks, for your input!!! :)</p>

<p>Interacial dating is fine. You’ll see interacial couples, families, mixed race kids, whatever. </p>

<p>12% of the students are black, but they’re all males so you’d be the only black girl…just kidding. :wink: With 12% of the student body being AA, there are a lot of AA kids. :)</p>

<p>The whole topic of Black kids joining the so-called historically white sororities has been discussed in a few threads. Since there are many AA houses on campus and they are very strong and traditional, the black students largely WANT to join the AA houses, so few ever rush the traditionally white houses.</p>

<p>Just to add to what Mom said, this Fall, the percentage of new freshman from Alabama was less than 50%. So Bama’s freshman are majority out of state. Not that students from Alabama should be stereotyped as being racist, but the out of state majority might reassure you a bit. </p>

<p>Would you want to join the Honors Program? I would think that would be a place one would find even more out of state students, but I could be wrong. </p>

<p>Would love to have you at UA!</p>

<p>I’m a black girl from California too! Well biracial, but still. Anyway, as a freshman I can tell you that my friends come from all different backgrounds and the majority of students are colorblind when it comes to friendships. I don’t participate in Greek life so I don’t want to make assumptions and speak for that, but you can count on one hand the number of black girls in historically white sororities, ever. Disappointing, but I’d encourage you to participate in rush week. Times are changing, and if we’re not trying to get into those sororities how will they let is in hhaa. Bama is awesome and academically fulfilling, everything here is amazing! The weather is strange coming from a Cali perspective, but it really depends on which part of California you’re from.</p>

<p>Wow, atomicapple. That post should be mandatory reading for anyone considering UA. Thoughtful, intelligent, forward-looking, honest, optimistic. Bama is awesome in large part because of people like you. Thank you for sharing your voice and perspective.</p>

<p>The weather is strange coming from a Cali perspective</p>

<p>As a native Californian myself (from Orange County), I know that the weather that Atomic has experiences these first few weeks would seem odd. Calif has dry heat and Alabama had humidity in the summer. </p>

<p>However, that should all be over now (humidity disappears around mid-Sept) and the weather should be very nice for fall. </p>

<p>Many days in Alabama have sunny blue skies and fuffy white clouds.</p>

<p>Rain in Alabama is different as well. In Calif, when it does rain, it will rain for 3-4 days straight. In Alabama, rain comes in shorter periods. Sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes during the day…but usually not all day. It’s a good idea to keep a very small umbrella or a foldable hooded rain-resisted jacket in your backpack to cover yourself in case rain comes on while walking from class to class.</p>

<p>Depending on where you’re from in Calif, winters may seem a bit colder here. If you’re from So Cal, then it will be colder. Not cold like the Midwest or NE…not like that. But, you’ll find yourself wrapping your neck with a scarf while wearing a jacket and maybe keeping some gloves in the pocket for when your hands get cold. And, a hood is nice if a cold wind kicks up. My kids tend to dress in layers so that they can peel off what’s not needed if it warms up.</p>

<p>Warning…in the winter, if you’re looking out a window, it will often look sunny and blue skies. That does not mean it’s “shorts weather.” It can still be cold outside. </p>

<p>The only weather I dislike is the middle of summer weather when humidity is high. Thankfully, for students, they’re not here for most of it, except for a few weeks at the beginning of fall. The rest of the year has very tolerable weather.</p>

<p>M2ck I’m from orange county as well! The first two weeks were very humid and it was a type of heat you have to experience to understand haha. Once the rain started though the weather has been great. It’s been about 3 weeks with rain once or twice a week (there’s actually a thunder storm right now) and the umbrella is great advice. We don’t have thunder very often back at home so this kept me awake (hence my early morning rambles) but the rain was only ever a problem when the fire alarm went off and students evacuated without umbrellas… Our fault!</p>

<p>Wow, if you are not used to thunder, I would guess that it would be a little hard to get used to! We had “thunder snow” for the first time last year, and that was the most odd thing I have experienced. Well, now that we have had a big earthquake, that might beat thunder snow! LOL</p>

<p>You might want to get some of those squishy ear plugs to keep by your bed at night if the occasional thunderstorms wake you up. You’ll still be able to hear your alarm clock, but try that out on a weekend to be sure. </p>

<p>I can usually sleep thru thunderstorms if my DOGS would let me…however, I need to keep them on a Benedryl drip to keep them quiet. ;)</p>

<p>The good news…no Santa Ana winds!!!</p>

<p>M2CK…my dog LIKES thunderstorms. Craziest thing I have seen. She wants out, and to sit on the deck to watch it. Will sit by the window upstairs and watch the storms and rain too. Loves lightening. Odd!</p>

<p>Bump 10char…</p>