Band of the Hour and Pep Band

<p>Anybody have any experience with either of these?
Do you recommend this for Freshmen?<br>
Do you get any kind of stipend?
Do you have to be the Band of the Hour to be in the Pep Band (the one that plays at basketball games)?
Any other info would be great!</p>

<p>My son participated in the marching band as well as the pep band this year. While I don’t have direct experience, I can provide some information, at least based on this year! The current band director is leaving at the end of the school year so there may be some changes with a new director.</p>

<p>This year, band camp began the Saturday before freshman orientation. The drum line started a day or so earlier. Dorms were opened to allow move in that Saturday. The plus - no crowds or waiting for elevators, etc. The negative - no help and some of the security/dorm folks seemed a bit clueless on directing those of us doing this for the first time. I believe the drum line kids are put up at the Holiday Inn across the street until that Saturday.</p>

<p>Being involved with the marching band really helped getting to meet people and getting acclimated to the campus. One big drawback is he missed out on many of the orientation activities. The band kids are told they can miss camp for required orientation stuff i.e. getting IDs, etc. but not the fun stuff! I think the instant social network from the camp outweighed missing out on some of the orientation activities.</p>

<p>Marching band is a 1 credit class - I think it’s 6 hours a week once classes start - fall semester only.</p>

<p>There is a stipend - you get 1/2 around October and the rest during the spring semester. The 2nd payment is contingent on traveling with the marching band for the ACC tournament (not an issue in 2013) or a bowl game. With Miami playing in the Russell Athletic Bowl in Orlando, band members who live more than 3-4 hours from Miami were flown to/from Orlando with the school paying for hotel rooms as well as a per diem for meals. The trip was a lot of fun.</p>

<p>The marching band plays at all home games. Those make for VERY long Saturdays - Sun Life Stadium is a decent drive from campus. The band plays at tailgate parties, etc. so they leave campus long before game time and don’t return until long after a game. Also, games tend to be HOT. But, a fun experience. Last fall, they also traveled to the Florida State game in Tallahassee.</p>

<p>Not sure about the pep band and having to be a member of the marching band. Not everyone from marching band opts to do pep band. The time commitment is less - the pep band members are assigned/sign up to play games that fit their schedule. They are paid a small amount for each game they play at. They also signed up for the opportunity to travel to the ACC tournaments in Greensboro. 30 members traveled for each of the Women’s and Men’s tournament and the group of 30 varied, depending on who was interested.</p>

<p>Hope this information helps.</p>

<p>@NEILRRM Thak you so much for the helpful answers. Do you know how much the stipend is? We are going to need every $ if he goes to Umiami.<br>
Some concerns I have for him relating to the band are:
We live in Massachusetts so he is not really used to the August/Sept Miami heat.
His highschool doesn’t have a marching band - just a pep band - so he has never worn those outfits and marched
His main instruments are bass, keyboard and guitar - He did play percussion back in Middle School and on rainy football games he played the symbols for the Pep band but doesn’t really have a Marching band instrument.<br>
Any idea what kind of percussion instruments they use?
Are all percussion instruments considered part of the drum line? </p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>I believe the stipend was $850 this year and basketball games were $20.</p>

<p>It is very hot and humid in Miami, particularly in August - October. For band camp, they practice inside during the day and head to the outside practice area in the evening. It’s still hot and humid but sun is setting! The uniforms are a lightweight, 1 piece deal with a vest. They wear dri-fit type shirts and shorts under the uniform. </p>

<p>As was explained to freshman parents last August, many kids come from schools with no marching band - strong musical backgrounds in many cases so the music piece is easy to get down and the marching is what they work on! It’s pretty low key - not complicated stuff - nothing like what you see at Ohio State, etc. </p>

<p>The drumline has snare drums, bass drums 1-5, tenor drums and cymbals. And, they do work with kids who might want to play a new instrument so if he was interested in playing something else, he can. Equipment rentals are available for instruments. My son has a concert band version of an instrument so he rents (very low cost) the marching version.</p>

<p>I did confirm, someone can participate in pep band for basketball even if they didn’t do marching band.</p>

<p>Initially, my son was concerned with the time commitment, etc. but it was worth it from the social aspect, etc. And, the marching band recently had a part performing in a new movie being filmed in Miami. They spent a few hours on a Saturday during filming which included getting to meet Gloria Estefan!</p>

<p>UMiami is his number one choice but we need to see what kind of money they give us.
The stipend certainly helps. Not sure if he will be able to take up a new instrument as he will be a bass major at Frost and will be spending most of his free time practicing that and writing music. He could probably handle the bass drum best as he has good rythm but again worried about him trying to lug that around in the heat. I checked out a youtube video and I don’t think he has the “dance” moves/coordination down enough to play cymbals.<br>
I think once he commits to Frost/Umiami I will have him contact the band of the hour and discuss potential instruments with them.<br>
The Pep band is easy as he would enjoy playing electric bass and of course the heat isn’t really an issue.
What does your S play? What is his major? </p>

<p>My son plays the baritone in the MB and pep band. He’s a freshman in Frost.</p>

<p>Do a lot of the Frost freshman do the Marching band?<br>
Do they room mate match you with another Marching band kid?
Again NEILRRM thank you so much for your helpful answers!! </p>

<p>Glad to help. This year, there were 150 students in marching band and interested students from other local colleges can also participate. Some of the MB are music majors but I think there are also a lot of engineering students, etc. who have a strong interest in music who participate. If he chooses to participate in MB, he’ll have fellow freshman, including Frost students. If he decides he’ll pass on it, he won’t be the only Frost freshman not doing it. My son says that there weren’t that many Frost freshman this year that participated.</p>

<p>Roommate selection is done during the summer - I think long before the marching band comes together. It would definitely be an interest that he can match up with another freshman with similar interests/living styles, etc. My son’s roommate wasn’t MB nor was he a music major.</p>

<p>If he decides on Miami and has an interest in talking more about MB, I can put him in touch with my son or if he wants a contact while making his decision. I don’t think I can PM you (not enough posts) but you are welcome to PM me with other questions.</p>