BAP 2021

Anyone else receive the BAP offer tonight??

My son is crushed.

My son also received notification offering to BAP . I’m not sure if we should go this route? He was accepted to Albany… but I know Bing is where his heart desires…
Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.
Thank you

My son said no way is he going to community college just to go to Bing. To live at Bing and drive to community college would be humiliating every single day.

He got into every other school he applied to why would he go to community college and pay 15k to live on Bing campus

Looks like Geneseo for him

We are going to do more research before we decide.
Best of luck to your son at Genesis!

I meant Geneseo… :wink:

i got into BAP but idk if it’s worth it

My son got a seat for Spring 2018 and is on the waiting list for Fall 2017-he will be going to the local community college that is 20 minutes from home which is part of SUNY semester and then transfer.

about half of my close friends are in this program, and as a binghamton scholar I think this program is actually fantastic. it just gives students another year to acclimate to a college setting without the intense courseload that a regular college would offer. In the end, youre still getting a Bing degree and youll have the same social life as a regular freshman. Great offer

Why would a student with top choices need to go to a community college to acclimate to college. I’d have to assume they got in to other great colleges

Why would a parent whose child isn’t going to Binghamton post the same thing a dozen times?

We get it Doberlady. Your son doesn’t want to participate in the Advantage Program. You have articulated a sound reason.

Best of luck to your son.

I will offer my two cents.

The BAP is smart. It gives options. Like a menu. Not everyone orders the same thing off a menu.

Many students don’t want to lose out on a semester or year of making friends and the college experience, so they can have that and still wind up with a degree from Binghamton. No one wants to accept an offer only to have to start over second year. That is why BAP exists.

That said, not right for everyone. As Doberlady said, lots of kids with stellar stats who may not want or need to attend community college for a semester or year. I would not have wanted my son to do that. But, I would never suggest what is good for others.

I will repeat what I have typed many times. Let’s see how many applications Binghamton received and what its acceptance rate is. I am certain applications are up and acceptance rate is down. Supply and demand driven by crazy private school costs.