<p>Hello, I am a rising sophomore who is ardent about learning. However, my grades do not reflect my intellectual capability (my average grade for the first semester is around B+~A-). My average grade is quite low (BTW, I take junior level mathematics and English) because my median grade for science is around B-. This semester, I have significantly improved my science (A+), and my average grade is around A~A+. I am planning to take my SAT later this year. Are my grades good enough for Simon's Rock? I have a passion in writing essays, and I heard that Simon's Rock has an emphasis on writing quality essays.</p>
<p>I would really like to attend Simon's Rock because I feel that I am not being challenged at school. At school, I do not need to study because the coursework is so easy. </p>
<p>Also, I sometimes do not connect with my friends. While my friends squander their time playing games, I spend most of my time reading classics, such as Tom Jones and Les Miserables. I simply had enough of high school. .</p>
<p>Do you think Simon's rock would be a good fit for me? </p>
<p>Thank you</p>