Barnard Class of 2027 Official Thread

D23 waitlisted. 3.98 UW GPA/4.25 W GPA in full IB. 34 ACT. 3 varsity sports with 13 varsity letters and captain of all 3 sports. Blah blah blah


Rejected. No real portal astrology, except CSS date changed to 2/22, clearly not an indicator of anything.



Waitlisted! Is the waitlist still need-aware, or has that changed?

Rejected and absolutely devastated. I am planning to apply as a transfer student in the future though:,) congrats to those that made it in.

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Waitlisted :cry:
4.0 UW, 1540 SAT, 11 APs, 3 post-AP math courses
AIME + prestigious music ECs/awards
Strong LoRs and essays

Accepted: Tufts, Boston College, UCSB (with Regents)
Waitlisted: NYU, UCSD, UCI, BU, Wellesley
Rejected: USC, UCLA, Northeastern

Does anyone know how likely getting off the Barnard waitlist is?

Waitlisted. 1470 SAT/97 GPA. Lots of APs and EC leadership positions. Frankly this is a win, I thought for sure she’d get rejected.


Rejected. 1500 SAT, 4.0 unweighted, 4.5 weighted, lots of EC, including president of 3 clubs (2 are community service focused, created one of them), varsity sports, dance, acting (both in school and professionally), NHS, strong essays. Really not understanding what is going on and hard to watch her receive so many rejections. Thankfully she got into one of her top choices with a nice merit award.


One of my freshman’s roommates was admitted off the wait list, so it does happen some years. Good luck!


Waitlist. 1540 sat. 3.9 uw. Original science research. Stem focus E.Cs varsity sports, art portfolio, excellent recs, great essays. 4th waitlist. I understand that Barnard moves quickly after Ivy day, this is not over.


Just for the record, last year 2612 kids were waitlisted at Barnard, 1904 accepted a spot on the waitlist, 104 were accepted off the waitlist.


Here are the stats .

Wt GPA : 4.75

I think 14-15 APs ( 5s& 4s)

National Merit Scholarship Finalist

Dual enrollments & community college courses

Very strong ECs & leadership

Excellent essays & LOR

Awards at state & national level top rankings in her EC

Published research paper & presentation at a conference


Only need blind for domestic first-year direct admits:

“Barnard has limited funding for International first-year applicants and Fall transfer applicants and students admitted off of the waiting list. Therefore, Barnard is need-aware and does consider financial need as a factor when reviewing these applications.”

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Based on most recent data: 4%, except now it’s need aware, and it’s from an already prequalified pool.


So they are need blind for spring transfers ?

Not quite - aid doesn’t apply at all in Spring:

“Barnard does not offer institutional financial aid to spring transfer applicants or international transfer applicants”

oh. Thank you for this information !

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Overall admission rate was 6.5% this year.

Phew - at least THAT.

But yes, it’s hard to watch - this is increasingly becoming a roll of dice, no matter how perfectly the applicants had delivered.

Even my daughter looks at the current numbers and is convinced she’d never been accepted in current years - even though she absolutely excelled while there.

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This is WOW!!! Sending our very best to your daughter
This year my son is applying, we will be applying to Barnard for my daughter this coming fall.
One more year for me then all 3 kids will be in college.

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